Oh Lord, help me to know you, and through knowing you, help me to be like you. Make me a faithful and loving follower, and be with me to guide me this day and every day to come. Amen.

Oh Lord, show me how you want me to be. When I struggle with life, grant me your wisdom to lead me through. Open my eyes, my heart, and my spirit. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father, grant that I might continue to learn more about you each and every day. Create in me a real hunger for Your truth. Amen.

Oh Lord, help me to be open to the comments of others. Let me face my shortcomings with dignity and open-mindedness. Help me ever to work to change myself for the better. Amen.

Oh Lord, help me to know fear in a positive way and set my feet on the path to wisdom. Amen.

Dear God, please assist us in our attempts to live as you have instructed. Help us to be a glory and honor to you. May we do nothing to bring shame to your Holy name. Amen

Oh Lord, be with me in the face of temptation. Grant me the wisdom and courage I need to resist enticement and help me turn to thee. Amen.

Oh Lord, open my eyes to those areas of my life where it is foolish to tread. Protect my steps and lead me in the ways of righteousness and truth. Amen.

Oh heavenly Father, grant me a deeper knowledge of who you are. Fill me with an unselfish love. Let me embrace the intricacies of life, scorning simplicity, and help me to pursue wisdom all of my days. Amen.

Oh heavenly Father, open my eyes to the needs of those around me. Destroy the spirit of selfishness in my heart and teach me to give as you would give. Amen.

Dear God, help me to be obedient to your will. Please help me not to question your wisdom, but to always trust you. If I do, understanding will follow. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father, I so often do what I know you do not want me to. Forgive my foolishness and disobedience. Help me to heed your will, not my own. Amen.

Dear God, forgive those times when I seem to forget you. Help me to include you in all I do, think and feel. Be with me to guide me, now and forever. Amen.

Oh Lord, receive me into your loving care. Allow me to dwell in the safety you provide. Help me to place you and you alone at the center of my life. Amen.

Lord, God, no matter what I own, what I might possess, without you, I have nothing. Turn my sight from this world, dear God, and help me to seek only you, body, mind and soul. Amen.

Patience is one thing I could use more of, Lord. As I look toward heaven and long to be united with you, please fill me with your patience and allow me to learn all I can during my earthly stay. Amen.

Dear Father, I am faced by so many temptations. Help me to resist them. Grant that I might rely on your will and power. Be with me in every situation. Amen.

Thank you for being with me, Almighty God. I need you here in my life. Uphold me and guide me, shine light before me. Grant me your peace. Amen.

Remind me, heavenly Father, that I should spend time with you today and every day. Make me a disciple of yours, anxious to learn all that you would teach me. Amen.

Too often, Father, I try to think my way through my problems rather than feeling my way. Open my heart so that I might know Your love in the deepest way possible. Amen.

Oh, thank you, dear Lord, that I am never out of your sight. You are with me always. Grant that I might feel your presence each and every day. It is good to know I am never alone. Amen.

God, I think that I know what to believe, but new things come up almost every day. Help me to sort out what is right and good to believe, and what is not. Grant me your wisdom. Amen.

Thank you, Father, for extending your loving arms around me. If I should stray from your path, guide me back into your sight and care. I never want to be without You in my life. Amen.

Guide my steps, O Lord, that I might always, in every way, be found pleasing in your sight. Grant me special insight that I might recognize your presence in my life. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, that I am one of your prized possessions. Keep me ever in your care, and cover me with your divine love and affection. I praise you for your love, and I will try to be a fond remembrance in your heart. Amen.

Help me to be patient, and to turn from bitter feelings toward those who do wrong. Let me love them with your love, and help me to look at my own life to see that it is pleasing in your sight. Amen.

Dear God, help me that I might learn to rest in your peace. Life can be so difficult, and I know I cannot handle everything on my own. Be with me, guiding me and helping me to follow your commandments always. Amen.

Dear Lord, teach me your love, your forgiveness, hour mercy, and your truth. Make Christ my one true hero and let me follow his ways all the days of my life. Amen.

Help me, Father, to accept what I do not understand, to believe that which I cannot see, and to trust that which is beyond my comprehension. Amen.

Though I may stumble through my life at times, O Lord, help me to know that you are with me to pick me up and to light my way. Alone, I am nothing. With you, I will never fail. Amen.

Lord, help me to realize my potential. Makes me less a person-pleaser and more a God-pleaser. Grant that I might discover my gifts and talents, then assist me to use them as you would have them used. Amen.

Oh Father, soften my heart to those who are less fortunate than I am. Help me to appreciate the blessings I have been given and to share from my abundance. Fill me with the new wine, which is your Spirit. Amen.

Lord, let me bear the instructions you know I should hear. Tell me what I must do to grow and give me the acceptance to deal with those things I would rather avoid. Spare not the rod, but do what You know is best for me. Amen.

Though I may stumble through my life at times, O Lord, help me to know that you are with me to pick me up and to light my way. Alone, I am nothing. With You, I will never fall. Amen.

You are the only true treasure, Almighty God. In your love, there is no need, no want. Fill me with the true treasure of your Spirit. Help me to know you in all ways. Amen.

Lord, I so often pursue selfish goals. Help me to remember that nothing in life has value if I do not have a good relationship with you. Be with me, I pray. Amen.

Help me to see the beauty and wonder of this life you have given to me, O Lord. Open my eyes so that I might come to know the richness and fullness you intend my life to have. Grant me this, I pray. Amen.

Thank you, O Lord, for giving me the chance to have eternal life. Through your love in the life, death, and resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ. I have come to know your glory. Amen.

Make me a believer, O Lord. Show me the multitude of miracles you have created and are creating. Let me understand creation the way you intended it. Amen.

Help me to believe, to trust, and to know. Cast away my doubts and reassure me that no matter what might happen, you will always be with me. Stand beside me as I grow in faith and grant me your peace. Amen.

Help me, Father, to utilize the wonderful gifts and graces that you have seen fit to grant me. Cast away my doubts and reassure me that no matter what might happen, you will always be with me. Amen.

Father, often I feel as though my good behavior is ignored or forgotten. Forgive me for being prideful and help me to know that you see me at both my best and worst, and love me all the time. Amen.

Lord, so often I turn my head from those in need. Open my eyes and my heart that I might reach out to them to extend the hand of Christ to those who themselves are Christ. Amen.

God, help me to learn love for all people. Let me give of myself and sacrifice my own pride in order to serve other people. Your love is the greatest force on earth. With your help, I can come to know unconditional love, and I can come to be able to give it away. Fill me, Father, with a caring that will never end. Amen.

O Lord, guide me as I try to live a good and righteous life. Help me to both do good to those around me and guard me that I do no harm. I want so much to do what I should. With your help, I will. Amen.

Father, please help me to walk in the way of the humble and meek. Keep me from straying into pride and envy. Help me to see the blessings I have been given, rather than long for the things I must do without. Amen.

Lord, grant that I might always and everywhere share the blessed secret of your love with everyone I meet. Make me a true disciple of yours, spreading your love and Gospel throughout my world. Amen.

Come, O Lord, be the head of my household and the unifier of my family. Let my home be a haven of comfort and joy. Let my love for those closest to me be the special love that you have shown me as the head of my life. Amen.

My God, you are with me in all the dark hours and hard times. I do not know what I would do without you. You give me so much and when I am afraid, you comfort and support me. Thank you for being with me, Lord. Amen.

O Lord, help me to keep from living so foolishly. I act as if I am immortal, without doing the things which are required of me. I have much to learn, and only you can teach me. Please do so, Lord, I pray. Amen.

I walk dangerous paths, Father, and I am not wise enough to avoid all the pitfalls. Guide my steps with your Divine light that I might not stumble, but walk surely, bringing glory and honor to you. Amen.

Lord, I want to do your will each and every day, not just as Christmastime. I have thousands of opportunities to give and throughout the year. Guide me to do what is most helpful and good. Amen.

Make my life virtuous and good. Help me to bless the lives of my family and friends. Shine your love through my life, that I may be a beacon of your light. Help me to glorify you in all things. Amen.

You have made my life so much different than it was before. I cannot thank you enough for all You have given me. I ask that the love You sent so long ago be reborn in me this day and every day to come, that I might proclaim, “Christ is with us. Hallelujah!” Amen.

Lord, I sometimes let down and don’t do all I should to make you proud of me. Help me to see ways that I can improve myself and, in so doing, bring honor and glory to you each day. Amen.

Guide me to do what needs to be done. O Lord., Wherever I can bring love, let me do so. Help me to see the needs around me, and then give me the resources and the desire to do everything I can. Amen.

Father, I adore you. You have been so good to me and have shared so much. Help me to share what you have given to me with others. Let me share the treasure which is in my heart. Amen.

Dear God, help me that I might learn to rest in your peace. Life can be so difficult, and I know I cannot handle everything on my own. Be with me, guiding me and helping me to follow your commandments always. Amen.

I thank thee, Father, that you have ended the darkness of unending night in my life. You have burst forth in the brightest light, there is no darkness at all. May your light shine brightly in my life always. Amen.

Dear Father, forgive me when I lose sight of what is really important in life. Help me to keep my eyes focused on Your truth. Enable me to show others that you are the real treasure in life. Amen.

Keep my sight straight, Almighty God. Let me see only You in my life. Make me aware of your presence every day, and never let me turn my eyes from You. Be the vision of my life. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to do the best I can as I live my life. Make me watchful that I not waste the precious time that you have given me. Amen.

Almighty God, forgive me when I doubt your will and guidance. Help me to always have the faith I need to trust and obey. Make me constant in my belief in you. Amen.

There is no answer apart from you; Almighty God. In every situation, both good and bad, you are the strength and the hope. You are every good thing.

Be with me in everything I do. Amen.

I pray that I might learn to walk carefully in the steps of Jesus Christ, Almighty Father. Grant that I might be an honor to your truth in all ways. Be with me to shine your light through my life that others may see your greatness. Amen.

Dear Father, help me to accept the rules You have given me. Guide me that I might always avoid the snares of strangers and the dangers of life. Amen.

Please help me to open my heart and soul to Your will. Forgive me when I turn from Your insight and knowledge. Give me the patience I need to wait on You in all situations. Amen.

Please from Your insight and knowledge. Give me the patience I need to wait on You in all situations. Amen. Help me to open my heart and soul to your will. Forgive me when I turn briefly from You.

O Lord, giver of life and giver of love. Though I am unworthy, I thank you for loving me so much. Help me to know your love at all times, and grant that I might be able to always spread that love wherever I might go. Amen.

There is so much that looks good to me, Father. Protect me from the things which would lead me far from you. Steer me back to you when I stray. Guide my steps by your loving light, Almighty God. Amen.

Be with me in every situation, Almighty God. Let me feel your loving touch on my shoulder as I face the challenges of everyday life. Be my strength and my courage when I find myself lacking, Father. Amen.

Lord, I turn my attention to so many things which I should not. My sight is distracted by so much folly. Forgive me when I stray, and shine forth your great light that I might follow its beam back to the source of all life. Amen.

Help me to avoid the traps which I find in my path each day. O Lord, grant me the wisdom to know the difference between need and want and never sacrifice my integrity in order to obtain objects. Amen.

See that I give and take freely, Father, never placing anyone in bondage by my actions, nor being cast into bondage myself. Allow me to use the wisdom needed to stay clear of those who would buy my devotion, I pray. Amen.

There are so many creatures, Father, who can inspire me and give me guidance. Let me face the obstacles in my life with the spirit of the lowly ant. With its small faith, all things will be possible for me to do. Amen.

O Father, what a wonderful world you have made. Let me look at the word through your eyes in order that I might see it in all its freshness and light. I rejoice in your glory, now and always, Almighty God. Amen.

Almighty God, I often grow drowsy in my spiritual pilgrimage. When I am in need of rest, be my stronghold. Protect me from the wiles of the evil one. Strengthen me that I might resist evil, so that it will flee from me. Amen.

Lord, I wish to do anyone harm. Would that I could, allow me to spread goodness and light wherever I might go. Save me from the calamity that will befall those who live carelessly or foolishly? Amen.

Dear Jesus, help me to see your spirit in all people I meet. Be sure that I never turn from another person due to pride or haughtiness. Teach me to love those around me as you would love them.

Dear Lord, I hope that I keep my tongue from hurting anyone through lies or deceptions. Purify my thoughts and my words, that they may reflect your grace and love. Amen.

Rule in my heart with peace and love. Let me do only kindness to those around me, never harm. Grant that I might be protected from the people who would do me harm, yet let me always face others with forgiveness. Amen.

Heavenly Father, pride often causes me to plot in my heart against those who have wronged me. Create in my heart a spirit of forgiveness that I may do everything in my power to heal with your great healing love. Amen.

There are times, O lord, when I feel myself drawn to do things that I know I should not do. I, all too often, rush into situations that I should avoid. Please guide my steps and protect me from straying, Father. Amen.

I wish that I could be the person you want me to be, Almighty God. I find that I am dishonest, both with you and with myself. Empower me with a spirit of truth, that I might always live honestly and openly in your sight. Amen.

May the words of my mouth always sound sweet and loving? I want to spread peace, not discord. Show me the way, O Lord, that I might help people and show them the love that I would want for myself if I were in their shoes. Amen.

Just as when I enter the light after being in darkness it stings my eyes, so too I feel the sting when my sinful soul enters into the light of Your presence. It is a cleansing light, Father, and I ask that you clean my soul in the fire of Your most holy love. Amen.

Dear Lord, help me to take responsibility for my own wrong doings. Let me know that I can be forgiven for the things I do wrong and that I can start afresh, if I will just focus my eyes and my soul on You. Amen.

Fire can destroy or purify. Guard me from the fire which consumers, and cover me with the fire which cleanses. Make me pure in the fire of your love, removing from my life the ash and soot of the fires of sin. Amen.

There is great danger of sin, O Lord, that I do not even see. It looks appealing to me, and yet I know deep inside that if I reach out for it, I will be harmed. Protect me from the wages of sin, and fill me with the life that never ends. Amen. 

Forgive me for the times when I take without offering anything in return. Fill me with what I need to give to others who have not been as fortunate as me. Give to me that kind and special ward that will allow another person to know that they are loved. Amen.

Lift me up, Father, and raise me high above sin and temptation. Keep my eyes centered on You. No more shall I follow the selfish desires of my heart, but in all things I will try to please You. Amen.

I continue to forget the things I should do. Help me to remember what You would have me do. I cannot hope to be the person you want to be without Your help.

I feel the warm acceptance of God, just as I am. I can be me with God, just as I can be me at home with my family. Thank you, Father, that you have made this so. Amen.

Break my spirit of resistance. Help me to be obedient to your will, Father, as a loving and faithful child. Amen.

Almighty God, sin so readily takes control of my heart and mind. Alone, I cannot begin to battle it, but with You, I know that I can break free to follow in Your love. Help me, I pray. Amen.

Let the words of my mouth always produce what is pleasing in your sight, O Lord. Let me build up, rather than tear down. May my speech reflect my great love for you? Amen.

Lord of truth and light, be the guiding force of my life. Help me to avoid lies, which destroy relationships and create walls between people. Fill me with your love. Amen.

Help me to trust the wise counsel of others. I know that I have so much room to grow. Grant that I might have the wisdom to accept the helpful criticism of others and make me to seek your ways. Amen.

Father, I pray that I might learn to pursue you; with every energy of my heart and soul. Be my strength, that I might be able to give myself completely over to your will. Amen.

Keep my feet on the right path, O Lord. Keep me from straying onto roads which seem to be easier to travel but led nowhere. As long as your light shines forth before me, I know that all will be well. Amen.

My pride is too often tender and easily bruised. Make me able to serve without hope of reward. I want to serve you freely and without letting my ego get in the way. Guide me in this pursuit. Amen.

Lord, I wish that I could be one with your Spirit, that I might spread your will in this world. You offer so much and I take so little. Help me to use what you hold forth, that I might reflect the blessed light of your Son Jesus Christ throughout this world. Amen.

Sometimes I lose patience when I wait for you to answer my prayers, O Lord. Give me the patience I so desperately need. Help me to pursue you in all ways at all times. Thank you for your promise to always be there when I seek you. Amen.

I try to turn my eyes from material gain: the gain of eternal life. Help me to follow your instructions that I might have your righteousness. Grant me a small portion of your holy inheritance. Amen.

O Lord, you know me so much better than I know myself. Help me to know myself as you know me. Assist me to be the best person I can possibly be. Just help me to grow, Father. Amen.

O Lord of majesty and grace, you have indeed created a beautiful world for our comfort and joy. Thank you for sharing this great gift with me. Help me to appreciate it more fully and to care for it with wisdom. Amen.

O Lord of creation and love, You rise above time and space to dwell everywhere and every time at once. You bear even my most quiet cry. Help me to trust in your truth and reality. Answer my every doubt with “I am.” Amen.

I pray that I might be alert and fully awake to my duties as your loving disciple. As I follow your will, let me not grow weary or tired, but fill me, with every energy that I might be ready when my time comes. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father, I fall prey to so much temptation and sin. I am ashamed that I cannot do what You would like for me to do. Thank you for your forgiveness and love, especially in times when I don’t deserve it. Amen.

Gracious and giving God, I cannot give you great enough thanks for all you offer to me, a humble child. Help me to give others some of the precious, unconditional love that you have given me. Amen.

Dear Jesus, help me to see your Spirit in all people I meet. Be sure that I never turn from another person due to pride or haughtiness. Teach me to love those around me as you would love them. Amen.

O Father, I am crippled in so many spiritual and emotional ways. Through your love, grant that I might rise above my limitations and become a more loving and caring person. Amen.

O Lord, help me to keep from letting down my guard for even one minute. Open my eyes to my limitations and grant that I might acknowledge my shortcomings. Only you are God, and I worship and praise you with all my heart. Amen.

Keep my sight on you, O Lord. Clear my vision so that your light is the only thing shining in my eyes. Protect me from the diversions and decoys which can lead me into ruin. Amen.

Father, thank you for never leaving me alone. I have everything I need as long as I have you. Stay close to me, and teach me how to give your blessed love to others. Amen.

Not that I would seek the acceptance of men and women, Father, but please allow that I might be loved in this life, and after it is done. Bless my life, and make it a testament to your glory. Amen.

I want to be a faithful and devout servant, O Lord, doing all that is required of me, using my talents in the best possible way. Help me to do what is right, keep me diligent, and turn me away from the temptation to avoid my responsibilities. Amen.

Not that I would seek the acceptance of men and women, Father, but please allow that I might be loved in this life, and after it is done. Bless my life and make it a testament to your glory. Amen.

Unplug my ears, O Lord, and let me bear the wisdom of those who care for me. Destroy my foolish pride and lead me to paths of good sense and smart choices. Keep me from hurting myself and others. Amen.

I try my best to get through life, O Lord, but often I find myself at a halt. I don’t know where to turn, where to step, what to hold onto. In those times, Father, help me to remember that you are there to guide me. Amen.

Help me that I never undermine the faith that others have in me. Let me be honest and open, so that I might have the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. Amen.

Forgive me that I am often resistant and stubborn. Break my spirit of defiance, no matter what it takes so that I might openly receive every instruction that you give. Amen.

You are the only true treasure, Almighty God. In your love there is no need, no want. Fill me with the true treasure of your Spirit. Help me to know you in all ways. Amen.

I am sorry for the ways that I try to get ahead by dishonesty. I am not honest with myself, and then I am not honest with you. Forgive my deceptions and lead me in the light of your truth, O God, now and forever. Amen.

Please make me slow to speak, quick to listen, and grant me the wisdom to speak as Christ would. Fill my mouth with your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, I so want to serve you in all ways. Take my words and make them yours. Pour out your grace through my lips and make my speech a blessing to those who hear. Amen.

O Lord, you have made my life so wonderful. I am rich in a way that I never knew possible. I have escaped the worst possible poverty, and I praise you for giving me your love so freely. Amen.

Be my foundation, Lord. Let the winds sweep past me, but let them never carry me away. My hope and trust is ever in your love. Amen.

I place the seed of my faith in your soil, O Lord. Nurture and feed it so that it might take root and grow. Help my faith to grow strong and tall in the light of your love. Amen.

O Lord, soften my heart against those who take advantage of me. Guide my dealing that I never take advantage of another of your children. Let my life be one of fairness and honesty. Amen.

O Lord, watch over me as I try to do what is right. I act foolishly so often. Guard my steps. Grant that I might use the mind that you gave me, in the best way possible. Amen.

For every answer I receive, there is another question to take its place. Grant me the determination to pursue you with all my heart and mind. Give me the key to unlock the mystery of your love and grace. Amen.

I’m listening for your Word, O Lord. Guide me by your love, that I might always be ready to meet you face to face. Keep me attentive, Lord, and make sure that I don’t slumber. Amen.

Father, I hope you are proud of the way I live my life. I want it to be a testimony to your greatness. I pray my life may be a blessing, causing great rejoicing. Bless my attempts to honor you. Amen.

I am too quick to judge, Almighty God. Grant me the patience and wisdom I need to live by the rule of gold; that I might treat others as I would like to be treated. Amen.

When a friend speaks to me in confidence, let me be trustworthy and devoted. Seal my lips from ever saying anything which brings another person shame or grief. May the words of my mouth be a blessing? Amen.

My Lord, I need a haven in this stressful world. I need someone who will share my burdens and bear my cries. I need to feel that my cries are being heard. Hear, O Lord, the murmurs from the depths of my heart. Give me peace that passes understanding. Amen.

Grant me wisdom that I might know my limits. Guard me from entering into debt that I cannot hope to pay. Make me content with what I have, that I might not be tempted by what I do not have. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father, bless me that I might grow to my full potential. Inspire me by your word and by the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Fill me with your Spirit so that I may more closely resemble you in all that I do. Amen.

O Lord, I want to follow in your footsteps, but they loom so large before me. I feel unworthy to attempt to live as you did, or to even hope for the reward you promised all who will be faithful. Amen.

Protect me from those who try to do me harm, O Lord. In the face of evil, help me to remember that you are God and evil has no power over you, or those who choose to follow you. Amen.

Hear me, O Lord, as I confess the wrong things I have done. Forgive me when I fail to live up to your expectations. Help me to do what is right to do. Guide me to repentance that I might follow always in your light. Amen.

Take what I have, Lord, and use it for your glory. I have nothing except what you have given me. Help me to share from my abundance and to give all that I can to those who are in need. Amen.

Make me a giving person, Almighty God. Keep the example of Christ firmly planted in my mind. Show me ways that I might give to others who are in need and open my heart to them. Amen.

You have given so much to me, Lord, not help me give of myself to others. I want to serve you with gladness and reflect the light of your love to all the people I meet. Destroy my selfish spirit and replace it with your giving grace. Amen.

Treat me as I have treated others, Lord. Keep me mindful that you are watching over my actions and that I will receive what I have given out. Help me to show kindness, caring and love to everyone I meet, Father. Amen.

I want to seek you with every ounce of my being. Help me to devote myself wholly to you. Grace me with true knowledge and lead me by your instruction, O Lord. Amen.

Lord, I want to be a faithful and loving servant. I pray that my actions might be a source of pride in your sight. Help me to remain true to your Spirit and a shining light in your world. Amen.

May my speech always be truthful and my words always uplift. Forbid that I should ever hurt anyone by careless speech or an unkind word. Grant that I might speak with your grace and your love at all times. Amen.

O Lord, you are my comfort and my support. I am so very glad to call you not only my Savior and Lord, but also my friend. Be with me through the rest of my days, in good times and in bead, so that I am never alone. Amen.

O Lord, you have given me so very much. Thank you that it has not come too easily, but that I have had to put forth an effort to obtain it. I have been blessed in so many wonderful ways, and so I offer my thanks and my praise. Amen.

Almighty God, giver of good things, author of all life, help me to be a craftsman at the trade of life. Let me live a life of quality, giving attention to the finer points of life and always giving glory and honor to you. Amen.

Help me to think before I react, Father, that I might not cause grief or pain. Let me learn patience and control so that my actions may be a glory to you rather than a shame. Guide my actions and my words, Father. Amen.

As David prayed, so I pray. May the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be always found acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer? Amen.

Consecrate my life, this day, O Lord. Make me new inside and out. Please be the ruler of my heart, dear Jesus. I am nothing without your spirit guiding from within. Shine through me, O Lord. Amen.

Forgive those times when I allow selfish pride to get in the way of showing my love for others. Let me know the joy that comes from following the example of Christ, sowing seeds of love and peace wherever I go. Amen.

Make my words a blessing rather than a burden, Father. Grace my tongue with the ability to speak wisely and concisely, never being a bore, and help me to be ever mindful of the things other people might wish to share. Amen.

A kind word can do so much, Lord. Help me to know when to say a kind word or offer a compliment. Let my words be a joy to those around me. Grace my speech with the light of your love. Amen.

It is hard to work so hard to see so little gain, O God. Please give me patience and the strength to proceed. Keep my eyes on the reward that lies ahead, not the riches that this world can offer. Amen.

Lord, I praise your victory over the grace and rejoice that death has been destroyed for all time. Sin has no lasting power because you have washed me clean in the blood of Christ. I thank you and I praise our holy name for giving me such a precious and lasting gift. Amen.

Take from me the things I have to give to others. All I have is yours, heavenly God. Make me an agent of your giving and love. Let me spread the joy of your light to everyone I meet. Amen.

Let my light shine forth brightly, Lord. Feed the fire which burns within my breast. Make it a beacon of your love for the entire world to see. Help me to shine without flickering or fading. Amen.

What I know is not nearly as important as who I am. And who I am is not even close to who you created me to be, Father. Help me to grow into a maturity where I can set self aside and give freely of myself to others. Amen.

Make me steadfast in my endeavors, O Lord. Keep my eyes set on my labors and bless all my efforts. Let me feel the joy and contentment that honest labor brings, Almighty God. Amen.

Patience is one thing I could use more of, Lord. As I look toward heaven and long to be united with you, please fill me with your patience and allow me to learn all I can during my earthly stay. Amen.

You have become real to me through the reading of your word. Assist me as I attempt to spread your word and bring others to the threshold of your truth contained in the Old and New Testament. Bless this effort. Amen.

Father, I ask that you guide my words. Guard that I may never speak proudly of things I have done wrong, but let me repent totally and be made clean. Let my words be words of kindness and charity, and help me to know when it is better not to speak at all. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father, bless me that I might grow to my full potential. Inspire me by your word and by the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Fill me with your Spirit so that I may more closely resemble you in all that I do. Amen.

The company I keep influencing me greatly, O God. Help me to discern who I should have as friends and who I should avoid. Let my company be a blessing to others and lead me in all your ways. Amen.

Ours is a world of great injustice and inequality. Please guide me that I might work to change the way things are. Open my eyes to the plight of the poor and lead me in the ways that I might combat it. Amen.

O Lord, I thank you for your presence in my life. Though I often do not want to be told what I should do, I know that your word is given out of love and concern for me. Make me open to your instruction. Amen.

O Lord, I cannot believe how much I have. I cannot thank you enough for all you have given me. Help me to remember that true wealth is not measured by what I won, but by the joy that you have put into my life. Amen.

O God, I often hide myself from you in shame at the things I know that I should not be doing. I feel guilt, and it makes me feel alien to you. Bridge that chasm I put between us. Forgive me wrongdoing and lift me high within your love. Amen.

I pray that my words may always be full of grace and pleasing to you. When I proclaim your greatness and spread your word, I do what is pleasing in your sight. Help me that I might forever do what you want me to. Amen.

Father, remind me of the danger of sin. Keep me from the things which can destroy me. Set my feet on the path of righteousness and never let me stray. Be with me as I journey, Lord. Amen.

Christ Jesus, you know me to the very depth of my being. Dwell within my heart and grace it with your strength and love. Let me feel your presence within me. Guide me, protect me, and stay with me. Amen.

Jesus Christ, my Lord, you have saved me from myself. You guide me in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. Keep my feel firmly planted on the path which leads to life eternal. Amen.

Allow me to deal with prudence and good sense, Father. Help me to discern truth from that which is false. Make me a good steward of the gifts I have been given. Help me to do what is right, keeping me from foolish ways which might destroy. Amen.

O Almighty God, save me from myself. When anger arises within my heart, help me to control it and channel it in constructive ways. Do not let me be a captive to my passions. Amen.

Lord, be with me. Do not cast me away from your presence, but keep me ever protected by your love. Amen.

I am weak, Father, but I have no fear, for I know that you are strong. I have nothing to fear in this life, so long as I listen for our wise counsel and have the wisdom to heed your loving advice. Be with me, I pray. Amen.

Almighty God, may my actions always prove my love and devotion for you. Help me to share the love you have given to me with those who need it most. Make me a loving disciple, following Christ’s example and learning to love my neighbor as myself. Amen.

You have given me so much, O Lord, let me know, to share it with those who need it. Let not my words be a trap for me, but let me act in a way pleasing to you. There is nothing that needs to be said, only love needs to be shown. Amen.

Thank you for the dream of truth and righteousness. Let me be a part of that dream. Help me to shine forth the light of your truth for others to see. Establish your kingdom within our hearts that we might know your truth here and now. Amen.

Be with me God, to guide me, to support me, to strengthen and love me. Never depart from me, Lord,, that I might stand fast in the face of every trial and persecution. Allow me to be an example for others. Amen.

There are many things I wish that I could have, Father, which others possess. Please help me to be content with the things I have now, and help me to rejoice that others have been blessed with special abundance. Let me begrudge nothing to other people. Amen.

You have put me here with a purpose, O Lord, and it is to learn to serve you. I can best serve you by meeting the needs of those I see in need around me. Grant that I might never turn away from someone in need. Amen.

Soften my heart and the words of my mouth, dear God. Let me be a peacemaker, rather than an agitator. Let my words spread comfort and calm, and make my actions a testimony to your great love. Amen.

Keep your eye upon me, Lord. Watch my comings and goings and be with me in everything I do. Bless my actions and keep me protected by your loving care. Help me to do the things which are most pleasing in your sight. Amen.

O Lord, take my life and consecrate it to your service. Take not only my gifts, but also my talents and resources as instruments for your ministry. Guide me in the ways that I can best serve you and grant me the wisdom to know where you want me to go. Amen.

Be with me, Father, as I walk along the many paths which make up my life. When I lose my way and turn from the one true path, wait patiently for me to return and keep me ever in your watchful eye. Amen.

I am often afraid to hear what others think of me, Lord. I am insecure, and I often wish that I could run and hide. Give me the strength and courage I need to grow and change for the better. Amen.

Fill my heart with your joy, O Lord. Change the light of my countenance to happiness so that everyone will know the effect you have had on my life. Wherever I go, help me to spread joy and love. I praise you for your gracious gift. Amen.

Lord, make me a beacon of joy to shine forth to everyone I see. Let them see the difference in my life that comes solely from you. Amen.

Almighty God, there are so many things which pull at my attention. I am blinded by the glitter of wealth and glamour. Shade my eyes in the shadow of your divine Spirit. Guard me from the traps of the world. Amen.

You have blessed the peacemakers, Almighty God. Please number me among them. Wherever I can be used, let me be an agent of your love and peace. Send me where you would have me to go, O Lord. Amen.

During the times when I get lazy, help me remember that my actions reflect not only upon myself, but also upon you, O Lord, and upon all others who call themselves Christian. Help me to always put forth the best image possible. Amen.

Be my guide, dear Lord, and open my mind to new ideas and my heart to your prompting. Do not let me act unadvisedly, but always lead me to seek the help of those more competent than myself. Amen.

I pray that my words may always be full of grace and pleasing to you. When I proclaim your greatness and spread your word, I do what is pleasing in your sight. Help me that I might forever do what you want me to. Amen.

Salt my words with your loving kindness, dear Father. Help me to know the right words to say in difficult situations. Let me convey only love and caring, no matter what I might have to say. Amen.

May the joy and peace of my relationship with you show from my face and shine forth from my body. I want everyone to know that I am yours and that you make all the difference in the world. Amen.

Lord, I am a selfish person and I rebel against those who would help me to improve. Break this rebellious spirit within me and lead me in the ways which lead o improvement. Amen.

Keep me humble, Lord. Help me to remember that I am nothing without you. You have given me everything I have and everything I am. You have blessed me with so many wonderful things, and I praise you. Amen.

Lord, you see into my very soul. Please help m to be honest with you, with others and with myself. Cleanse my spirit so that I might turn from those things which are an abomination in your sight. Make me the person you want me to be. Amen.