Preach With Conviction and Clarity

2:11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

1. Gold was a gift for a king;
2. Incense, a gift for deity;
3. Myrrh, a spice for a person who was going to die.
4. These gifts may have provided the financial resources for the trip to Egypt and back.


  • Who they were.
  • How they responded to Jesus.
  • The star they followed.
  • Jesus’ age when they found him.
  • Significance of their gifts to Jesus.
  • Essence of true worship.

King, priest and prophet:
1. Gold               Material wealth
2. Incense      Prayer
3. Myrrh             Repentance

Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts.
The only gift is a portion of you.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can give Him:

  • Your mind
  • Your eyes
  • Your ears
  • Your words
  • Your hands
  • Your feet
  • Your body
  • Your heart now!

Sermon _____________

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


2:11 On coming to the
house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.
Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

Christ’s Attractability:

  • Mothers
    (Brought their children to Him)
  • Children
    (Were attracted to Him)
  • Sinners
    (Came to Him)
  • Men
    (Followed Him)
  • Soldiers
    (Were charmed by Him)
  • Centurion
    (Confessed Him as Lord)
  • People
    (Healed by Him)
  • Pilate
    (Was astonished at Him)
  • Samaritan
    (Praised Him)
  • Shepherds
    (Worshipped Him)
  • Martha
    (Served Him)
  • Demoniac
    (Wanted to be with Him)
  • Crowds
    (Gathered to Him)
  • Material Wealth
    (Property, economic value)
  • Prayer
    (Supplication, appeal)
  • Repentance
    (Regret, penitence)

Christian’s Riches: A to Z
The Believer’s Riches in Christ from A to Z :

Accepted in the beloved
Born of God
Crucified with Christ
Delivered from the power of darkness
Enriched in everything in Him
Forgiven for Christ’s sake
Grounded in love
Hid with Christ in God
Instructed in the way of the Lord
Justified by His grace
Kept by the power of God
Led by the Spirit of God
Made nigh by the blood of Christ
Nourished in the Words of faith
Ordained to eternal life
Perfected forever
Quickened together with Christ
Redeemed from the curse of the law
Sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise
Translated into the kingdom of His Son
Unreprovable in His sight
Victorious through our Lord Jesus Christ
Washed from our sins in His own blood
Xalted from among the people
Yearned over by the Holy Spirit
Zealous of good work

SERMON _____________


3:1 In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the desert of Judea,
Preach the gospel at all times.
If necessary, use words.
St. Francis of Assisi

John Preached:

  1. Repentance
  2. Kingdom
  3. Prophecy
  4. Water baptism
  5. Restitution
  6. Godliness
  7. Wrath to come
  8. Against pride
  9. Heaven and hell
  10. Spirit baptism
  11. First advent
  12. Judgment on sin
  13. Salvation
  14. Love to others
  15. Business honesty
  16. Absolute justice
  17. Jesus is the God’s Lamb
  18. Jesus is the Spirit Baptizer
  19. Jesus is sin-bearer
  20. Man’s unworthiness
  21. Jesus is the Bridegroom
  22. Greatness of Jesus
  23. Rejection of Jesus
  24. Jesus the Anointed
  25. Jesus is God’s heir

If I knew the Lord was coming in three years, I would spend two years studying,
And one year preaching Donald Barnhouse

3:2 and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”
Repentance is a change of mind.
Conversion is a change of action.


  • A turning to God
  • A turning from evil
  • A turning to serve

D.L. Moody
Man is born with his back toward God. When he truly repents, he turns right around and faces God. Repentance is a change of mind. Repentance is the tear in the eye of faith.

SERMON _________________

The will of God will not take you
Where the grace of God cannot keep you

He chose you:

  • Jesus wants you!
  • Jesus will have you!
  • Jesus will bless you!

When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.
William James
SERMON __________________

Without Jesus, I can not;
Without me, He will not!

What must I do?

  • Stop!
  • Stand still!
  • Turn around!
  • Hurry back!
  • Don’t pass by!
  • Gardiner Spring

It is one thing to mourn for sin because it exposes us to hell, and another to mourn for it because it is an infinite evil; one thing to mourn for it because it is injurious to ourselves, and another thing to mourn for it because it is wrong and offensive to God. It is one thing to be terrified; another, to be humbled.

Confess your sins to the Lord,
And you will be forgiven.
Confess them to men,
And you will be laughed at.

Confess Him as Lord:

  • Intellectual &nbsp understanding
  • Emotional  affirmation
  • Volitional   obedience

Men who only believe their depravity, but do not hate it, are no further than the devil on their way to heaven.
Charles H. Spurgeon

3:3 This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”
George Whitefield
“We are all born Armenians.”
It is grace that turns us into Calvinists.

Places of callings:

  • Wilderness of the Baptist
  • Cemetery      demonic
  • Roadside   blind man
  • Temple          children
  • Night          midnight cry
  • Garden          Savior
  • Heart          believer

If you receive the call of God and refuse to obey, you become the dullest, most common-place of Christians because you have seen and heard and refused to obey.

3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?”

The standard for the judgment
Of Christians is Christ.

Wrath of God:

  1. Coming in the future
  2. Divine in action
  3. Lasting in effect
  4. Revealing in nature
  5. Fierce in separation
  6. Crested by sin
  7. All deserve it!

The divine wrath is slow indeed in vengeance, but it makes up for its tardiness by the severity of the punishment.
Valerius Maximus

3:8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
Fruit is not the salvation of souls, that is God’s work.
Fruit is “the fruit of the Spirit,” love, joy, peace, etc.

He produces:

  • Fruit of repentance
  • Joy for the occasion
  • Saint for inheritance
  • Vessel for service
  • Soldier for conflict
  • Praise for the blessings
  • Judgment for the sinner

Handel H. Brown
A man thinks he is repenting when he says,
“I’m sorry. Give me a second chance and
I’ll do better.” This is not Christian repentance, for it is egocentric.


3:9 And do not think you can say to yourselves, “We have Abraham as our father.” I tell you that out of these stones, God can raise up children for Abraham.

To convince and condemn
Is all the law can do.
C.H. Spurgeon

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Abraham Known by Many

"Abraham is one of the most renowned persons the world has ever seen. Besides the conspicuous place he holds in the Bible history, he is introduced into the Koran of Mohammed, and is regarded by the Arabians as the father of their nation, and by the Jews as theirs.

The ancient Persians pay him the highest honor, and think he was Zoroaster. In India, too, Abraham is honored by some sects as their distinguished ancestor. The people of Egypt, Chaldea, and Damascus acknowledge their obligations to this illustrious man. But what shall we say of the blessings which he received from God? His believing posterity has been multiplied as the stars of heaven. His venerable name is invested with immortal honor in the history of the church and of the world—second only to Him whose name is above every name.

Canaan, the Land of Promise, was given to his natural posterity for fourteen centuries, as their peculiar inheritance. And, above all, from his seed the divine Savior in due time appeared in the flesh, to ransom, by His sufferings, death, resurrection, and glory, a multitude of immortal souls, whom no man can number."

Abraham was:
1. Obedient                resigned, subservient
2. Unselfish                kind, sympathizer, patron
3. Courageous           steadfast, bold, daring
4. Benevolent            giving, charitable, generous
5. Incorruptible          changeless, immutable
6. Mighty prayer        effective, persuasive, vital
7. Faithful                  tenacious, persevering

He that would govern others first should be master of himself.

Leaders have two important characteristics: first, they're going somewhere; second, they're able to persuade other people to go along with them.

A good leader inspires other men with confidence in him. A great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves.

Leaders who lead well, lead by example and are willing to sacrifice for what they believe in.



If he who breaks the law is not punished, he who obeys it is cheated. Punishment is no longer fashionable. Why! Because it creates moral distinctions among men; and, to the “democratic,” mentality, this is odious.


I tremble for my country
When I reflect that God is just!
Thomas Jefferson

God is able:

  • Create                    come
    to be, materialize
  • Keep           preserve,
  • Supply                   provision,
  • Power         supremacy,
    truth, love
  • Succor                   shore
    up, sustain, favor
  • Work           bear
    fruit, be effective
  • Uphold                   reassure,
    defend, protect

St. Patrick:

  • God’s
    might to direct me.
  • God’s
    power to protect me.
  • God’s
    wisdom for learning.
  • God’s
    eye for discerning.
  • God’s
    ear for my hearing.
  • God’s
    word for my clearing.


3:10 The ax is already at
the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit
will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

What I feared to be
parted from,

Was now a joy to


A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Good in Matthew

  • Good
    fruit  03:10
  • Good
    works   05:16
  • Good
    gifts  07:11
  • Good
    tree   07:17
  • Good
    cheer   09:02
  • Good
    comfort    09:22
  • Good
    ground     13:08
  • Good
    seed 13:27
  • Good
    work 16:10


Show the world the fruits of Christianity and
it will applaud.

Show it Christianity and the world will
oppose it vigorously.



3:12 His winnowing fork
is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into
the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

  • Hell is truth seen too late.
  • Hell is prepared for those who prepare for it by rejecting Christ.
  • There are good parking places on the road to hell.
  • Every soul winner believes in hell.
  • Those trying to prove there is no hell usually have a reason for it.
  • If more hell was preached in the pulpit, there would be less hell in the community.
  • People may laugh themselves into hell but never laugh themselves out.

Man’s View:


  • No hell                   reckoning,
  • No eternity forever,
  • No afterlife purgatory,
    hell, paradise
  • No conviction       guilt,
    fault, complicity, lie
  • No rules!    lordship
    direction, command

Good Points about Hell

  • We've been a little unfair about hell. We've talked all about how bad it is, but there are some good points about it.
  • There won't be any hypocrites in hell. A lot of people stay out of church for this reason, but there won't be any there. There, all souls will act just alike. (All hypocrites here go there, but they won't be hypocrites anymore.)
  • There will not be any churches in hell. All the people who cuss the church, get mad when invited to attend, even hate the church, will never be bothered again.
  • There will be no preaching. Those who hate words like salvation, born again, repentance, joy, and Jesus will be free from ever hearing them again.
  • There will be no more Christians witnessing, no more religious programs to listen to, no Bible.

But to those who think that "religion" is
"social" let me point out this: you fight noise pollution, but it's
nothing compared to the "weeping and wailing" of hell!

Overpopulation? Man, you don't know anything. Isaiah 5:14 says hell had to enlarge itself to take care of the crowds.

Hell must be pretty bad for Jesus to come and die to keep us out of it!

SERMON_________________ Poll, the number
of Americans that believe in hell is up from 54% in 1965 to 73% today. The
problem isn't that postmodern people don't believe in Hell, it is that they
don't think they will go there. In 1965, 17% thought they were headed there,
today only 6% see it as their destiny.

The national anthem of hell is,
“I did it my way.”


A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Hell IS

  • A Place of Consciousness
  • A Place of Torment
  • A Place of Darkness
  • Eternal Separation from loved ones who are believers
  • Without the Slightest Hope of Release
  • The Torment of Memory in Hell


Abandon hope,
All ye who enter here


God’s View:

  • Hell is real
  • Hell has people
  • Hell is eternal

The perpetual death of the damned will go on without end and will be their common lot, regardless of what people prompted by human sentiments may conjure up.

SERMON _________________

3:15 Jesus replied; “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented.

One Lord, one faith, one baptism

Ephesians 4:5

It is proper:
A subjective Savior focused, pointed

Suffering kinsmen   atone, make amend

A holy         priest          self-surrender, pure

A saintly walk                   dedicated, faithful

A corresponding act        equivalent, aligned

Answering life              accountability, duty

Epigrams on Repentance

  • No man is rich enough to buy back his past.
  • The unhappiest place in the universe for an unsaved sinner would be heaven.
  • True repentance has a double aspect; it looks upon things past with a weeping eye, and upon the future with a watchful eye.
  • It is better to be 100 feet from Hell headed away from it, than 1000 miles away
    headed toward it.

E. Paul Hovey
A part of the act of baptism in the Church of India is for the candidate to place his own hand on his head and say, “Woe is me if I preach not the gospel.” This is part of the baptismal service of new members, not the ordination of ministers!



3:16 As soon as Jesus was baptized; he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him.

When a Baptist was asked
About baptism, he replied,
“It’s all right, but you mustn’t hang around the river too long.”

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Why was Jesus baptized?

  • To
    be an example
  • To
    equip the saints
  • To
    anoint the apostles
  • To
    strengthen the believers
  • In
    obedience to the law
  • In
    human humility
  • In
    answer to prayer

C.H. Spurgeon
He is not humanity deified, He is not Godhead humanized. He is God. He is man. He is all that God is, and all that man is as God created Him.


John Vianney
The Holy Spirit rests in the soul of the righteous, just like the dove in her nest. He hatches good desires in a pure soul, as the dove hatches her young.

Quietness              calm, tranquility

Peacefulness                   rest, stillness

Gentleness           soft-heartedness

Harmlessness                  meekness, simple

I was dead, but because in Baptism I died together with Christ, I received the light of life from Christ. And he who dies in Christ, being warmed by Christ, receives the breath of life and resurrection.


3:17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, Whom I love, with him, I am well pleased.

To be brought within the zone of God’s voice is to be profoundly altered.

Voice of:
Light           illumination,

Salvation   extraction,
escape, relief

Healing                  return
to normal, recovery

Deliverance immunity,
rescue, certainty

Provision   sustenance,
daily bread

James Earl Massey
God wants to get our attention, and He knows how to get it.


C.S. Lewis
You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.

Believers are:

  • Owned        by the Father
  • Anointed    by the Spirit
  • Tempted     by the devil

A.W. Tozer
I do not find in the Old Testament or in the New Testament, neither in Christian biography, in church history or in personal Christian testimonies the experience of any person who was ever filled with the Holy Ghost and who didn’t know it.


Kenneth Latourette
As the centuries pass, the evidence is accumulating that, measured by His effect on history, Jesus is the most influential life ever lived on this planet.

His personality:
Peerless    superior,
unequaled, great

Powerful    sovereign,

Persuasive urgent,

Philanthropic        generous,
indulgent, kind

Portentous promising,

Proclamation        assertion,
manifesto, point

Pre-eminence       superiority,
priority, success

Abraham Lincoln
I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, But I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God.



4:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.

John Calvin
Satan is an acute theologian.


  • Attacks unexpectedly.
  • Attacks at the weakest point.
  • Is deceitfully friendly.
  • Uses God’s Word deceitfully.

C.H. Spurgeon
He can make men dance upon the brink of hell as though they were on the verge of heaven.


Thomas a Kempis
Temptation discovers what we are.

Doubt                             disbelieve, dissent

Misuse power                   overbearance

Spiritual pride                   smugness, conceit

Selfish ambition               status-seeking

John Chrysostom
When we are tempted to utter a sinful word, or when we find ourselves being carried away by anger or some other such passion, let us reflect on what privileges we have been granted, what Spirit it is whose presence we enjoy, and this thought will check in us those unruly passions.


Temptations usually come through a door that has been deliberately left open.

Self-satisfaction               egotist, conceit

Self-destruction                suicide, execution

Self-glorification               pride, selfishness

Charles G. Finney
When Charles Finney was asked how he could believe in a devil, he retorted: “Why, don’t you try opposing him sometime and, you’ll find out whether he exists or not.”


4:3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

J.W. Jepson
Temptation is the appeal of the emotions to control the will in opposition to the truth.

Nothing but stones:

  • Physical
  • Flesh
  • Material

Satan’s pretension is that he is equal with God. His perversion is two-fold: he tries to pervert what God says to us, and also to pervert God’s mind about us.


4:4 Jesus answered, “It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

Fight truth decay.
Read your Bible!

Word of God:

  • God cares for you
  • The person of Jesus Christ
  • The work of Christ
  • The Spirit within you

C.H. Spurgeon
If you find a professing Christian indifferent to his Bible, you may be sure that the very dust upon its cover will rise up in judgment against him.


4:6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down.” For it is written, “He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

The proud hate pride in others.

Benjamin Franklin

Enemies of Pride:
Psychological       egocentric,

Power         supernatural,

Pride           vanity,
boasting, display

When once a man really sees himself as the Lord Jesus Christ sees him, it is not the abominable social sins of the flesh that shock him, it is the awful nature of the pride of his own heart against the Lord Jesus Christ; the shame, the horror, the desperate conviction that comes when we realize ourselves in the light of Jesus Christ as the spirit of God reveals Him to us. That is the true gift of repentance and the real meaning of it.



4:8-9 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give to you,” he said, “If you will bow down and worship me.

Larry Grayhill
Without the Holy Spirit, we worship what we do not know.

Bowing down is:

  • A spiritual act
  • An act of worship
  • Obedience of the highest order

The pretensions of Satan are clear. He is the god of this world, and he will not allow relationship to the true God. Satan’s attitude is that of a pretender to the throne, he claims it as his right.

Whenever and whenever the rule of God is recognized by man, Satan proceeds to
instill the tendency of mutiny and rebellion and lawlessness.


4:11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

W.E. McCumber
The devil comes without invitation, but only leaves when commanded.

Victory Over:
Self-satisfaction               egotist, conceit

Self-destruction                suicide, execution

Self-glorification               pride, selfishness

The only soul Satan cannot touch is the soul whose spiritual life and rational life and physical life is hid with Christ in God, that soul is absolutely secure.


4:17 From that time on, Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.

God promises a safe landing
but not a calm voyage.

It’s here!
Light           illumination,

Salvation   liberation,

Healing                  reviving,

Deliverance exoneration,

Provision   return
to normal, rescue

Joseph Bayly
God’s people should plan for a voyage of a thousand years, But be prepared to
abandon ship tonight.



4:19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

William Barclay

The possession of the good news of the gospel involves the obligation to share it.

Fishermen are:
Dependent subordinate,

Diligent                  persevering, unwearied

Watchful    expecting, on the lookout

Self-denying undefeated, invincible

Daring                    spirited, bold, nervy, hardy

Successful blessed, thriving, at ease

In order to catch men for the Lord Jesus Christ, you must love Jesus Christ absolutely, beyond all others. You must have a consuming passion of love, and then He will flow through you in a passion of love and yearning and draw men to Himself.


William Barclay
The final proof that a man himself knows Christ is that he can bring others to Christ.

Christian Life
Shine         beam, glow, sparkle, dazzle

Run            be active, stir, agitate, flow

Help            sympathize, sustain, bolster

Sow            transplant, fertilize, water

Fight           defend against, neutralize

Pray            petition, supplicate, beg

Fish            casting, baiting, trolling

Saint Cyprian
It is a bad world, Donatus, an incredibly bad world. But I have discovered in the midst of it a quiet and good people who have learned the great secret of life. They have found a joy and wisdom which is a thousand times better than any of the pleasures of our sinful life. They are despised and persecuted, but they care not. They are masters of theirn souls. They have overcome the world. These people, Donatus, are Christians, and
I am one of them.

SERMON _________________

5:1 Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying:

You are what you are and
Not what people think you are?

Christian’s character:
He is poor in spirit submissive, lowly

He mourns            grieve, soothe, cry

He is meek            prostrate, kneeling

He hungers and thirsts   hope for, aspire to

He is merciful                   tender, forgiving

He is pure in heart   lamb, simple, child

He makes peace  mediator, dove

He suffers persecution   hostilities, conflict

John Wooden
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

And Satan trembles when he sees,
The weakest saint upon his knees.

The Saint:

  • He shall be comforted
  • He shall inherit
  • He shall be filled
  • He shall obtain mercy
  • He shall see God
  • He shall be a child of God
  • He shall be rewarded

Charles Dickens
Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has may; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.


A teacher affects eternity;
He can never tell
where his influence stops.


  • Place of teaching
  • People taught
  • Purpose of teaching
  • Plan of teaching
  • Power of teaching

Our Lord is not the great Teacher of the world; He is the Savior of the world and the Teacher of those who believe in Him, which is a radically different matter.



5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there is the kingdom of heaven.”

Charles M. Schwab
Have the spirit of conquest; Thus you can successfully battle and overcome difficulties.

Man’s spirit:
Broken                   uncovered, wide-open

Penitent     restoration, satisfaction

Gentle                    tender, warm-hearted

Thirsting    un-watered, parched

Compassionate humane, sympathetic

Pure           transparent, undisguised

Forgiving   condoning, un-resentful

C.H. Spurgeon
Learn this lesson: not to trust in Christ because you repent, but trust in Christ to make you repent; not to come to Christ because you have a broken heart, but to come to him that he may give you a broken heart, not to come to him because you are fit to come, but to come to him because you are unfit to come. Your fitness is your unfitness. Your qualification is your lack of qualification.


True humility makes way for Christ,
and throws the soul at His feet.

John Mason
Highway to Heaven: Highway to hell:

Poor in spirit          arrogant

Mourn                                smirk

Meek                      brutal

Hunger-Thirst       sin seekers

Merciful                  cold-blooded

Pure in Heart,                    black

Peacemaker          warmaker

Persecuted            persecutor

Victor S. Frankl
We who lived in the concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but on thing: the last of his freedoms; to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own



5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Meekness is not weakness.
It is power under control.

Warren W. Wiersbe

Satisfaction   fulfillment, peace of mind

Discretion  wisdom, discernment

Instruction learning, proficiency

Salvation   restoration, retrieval, rescue

Exaltation  importance, sublimity

Beautification       transformation, restoration

Valuation   reasoning, appraisal, cost

Anger Symptoms
The obvious symptoms of sudden anger are often red face, swollen neck veins, clenched fists, and a stumbling for words. The angry person's vision may also be blurred, because anger clouds the visual centers of the brain.

Dr. Walter Cannon, pioneer researcher in psychosomatic medicine at Harvard University, describes the symptoms more precisely:

"Respiration deepens; the heart beats more rapidly; the arterial pressure rises; the blood is shifted from the stomach and intestines to the heart, central nervous system, and the muscles; the processes of the alimentary canal cease; sugar is freed from the reserves in the liver; the spleen contracts and discharges its contents of concentrated corpuscles, and adrenaline is secreted."

The meek are not those who are never at all angry, for such are insensible; but those who, feeling anger, control it, and are angry only when they ought to be. Meekness excludes revenge, irritability, morbid sensitiveness, and steady maintenance of right.


  • I will not permit any man to narrow or degrade my soul by making me hate him.
  • An angry man is seldom reasonable; a reasonable man is seldom angry.
  • Don't be angry with the people who are smarter than you—it isn't their fault.
  • Speak when you are angry, and it will be the best speech you will ever forget.
  • A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.
  • The greatest remedy for anger is delay.
  • Every moment you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
  • Anger is only one letter from danger.
  • When a person strikes in anger, he usually misses the mark.
  • A man is never in worse company than when he flies into a rage and is beside himself.
  • Some people are like buttons—they pop off at the wrong time.
  • An angry man opens his mouth and closes his eyes.
  • Anger is the wind that blows out the light of reason.
  • One load that is too heavy for anyone to carry—a grudge.
  • He who loses his head is usually the last one to miss it.
  • A fellow with the smallest mind is the one who is usually most willing to give someone a piece of it.
  • Hating people is like burning the house to kill the rats.
  • A chip on the shoulder indicates there is wood a little higher up.
  • When we give others a "piece of our mind," we have no "peace of mind" left.
  • Some people think they have dynamic personalities because they are always exploding.
  • Hatred is self-punishment.
  • The more you grow up, the less you blow up.


5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

It is safe to tell the pure in heart
They shall see God,
For only the pure in heart want to.

C.S. Lewis

You will see:
Purity                      and promise

Sin                          and salvation

Opened Heaven  and open way

Spirit                       and sight

Promise                 and prospect

Seed                       and satisfaction

Person                               and partnership

Oswald Chambers
The purity God demands is impossible unless we can be re-made from within, and that is what Jesus Christ undertakes to do through the Atonement.


5:13 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again. It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

Service without devotion is rootless;
Devotion without service if fruitless

Elton Trueblood

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


  • As a saint  be holy
  • As a Christian, be Christlike
  • As salt be pungent
  • As a light be true
  • As an epistle, be legible
  • As a soldier be valiant
  • As a child, be obedient

William Booth
“Not called!” did you say? “Not heard the call,” I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help.
God stand by the gates of hell, and hear the dammed entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters, and servants and masters not to come there. And then look Christ in the face, whose mercy you have professed to obey, and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world.


5:15 Neither do people light a lamp nor put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

When I met Christ,
I felt that I had swallowed sunshine.

E. Stanley Jones

Lamp on its stand:
Lighted                   illuminated, brightened

Essential   crucial, vital, imperative

Useful                    practical, functional, able

Shining      glow, bright, brilliance,

Burning     defrost, catch fire, ignite

Necessary indispensable, mandatory

Glorious     beautiful, sight for sore eyes

Edith Wharton
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.

Robert Alden
There is not enough darkness in the entire world to put out the light of even one small candle.


5:22 “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca’ is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.”

Anger is momentary passion,
so control your passion or it will control you.


Angry with God:
Stubbornness       self-will, resolute, fixed

Idolatry                   cultism, demonism, icon

Murmuring allegation, whisper, gasp

Pride           self-admiration, conceit

Self-will                  stubborn, resistant, fixed

Adultery     illicit, forbidden, infidelity

Rebellion   confrontation, contempt

Backsliding   relapse, recidivism, lapse

Sinning                  heinous, criminal, corrupt

Spiritualism   paranormal, scientology

Hindering  hampering, interfering

Wickedness foul, shameful, infamy


  • Anger is one letter short of danger.
  • Men with clenched fists cannot shake hands.
  • Anyone who angers you conquers you.
  • The man who cannot be angry at evil usually lacks enthusiasm for good.


5:39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Martin Luther
A Christian man is the freest lord of all, and subject to none; a Christian man is the most dutiful servant of all, and subject to everyone.

Jesus tells us:

  • Do not retaliate
  • Do more than required
  • Be kind and generous

Charles H. Spurgeon
Let us go to Calvary to learn how we may be forgiven. And then let us linger there to learn how to forgive.


5:36 “And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.”

You deny Christ
When you fail to deny yourself for Christ

Your inability to:
Change                 improve, make better

Cure           make better, restore

Answer                  plea, refute, clear up

Save           unravel, relieve, free

C.H. Spurgeon
Augustine well said, “Good works, as they are called, in sinners are nothing but splendid sins.”


5:43 “You have heard that it was said ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’

In necessary things, unity;
in doubtful things, liberty;
in all things, charity.


With His love:

  • Bless not curse
  • Good for evil
  • Pray for them
  • No retaliation

Mother Teresa
Because we cannot see Christ we cannot express our love to Him; but our neighbors we can always see, and we can do to them what, if we saw Him, we would like to do to Christ.


5:48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”


  • If the Church were perfect, you could not belong.
  • A man who knows his imperfections is just about as perfect as anyone can be.
  • If you insist on perfection, make the first demand on yourself.

Perfect spirit:
Broken                   faulty, defective, frail

Meek          exposed, innocent, subject

Humble                  harmless, undistinguished

Merciful                  forgiving, attentive, humane

Pure           virginal, spotless, chaste

Wise           sensible, perceptive

Patient                   reconcile, no malice, forgive

Living         survivor, individual, soul

Joyful         optimism, play, exuberance

Gracious    attentive, welcoming, polite

Norman Cousins
To talk about the need for perfection is man is to talk about the need for another species. The essence of man is imperfection; imperfection and blazing contradictions, between mixed good and evil, altruism and selfishness, cooperativeness and combativeness, optimism and fatalism, affirmation and negation.


The Christian is a person who makes it easy for others to believe in God.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Christian Living

  • Salt of the earth
  • Light to shine
  • Teacher of truth
  • Keeper of truth
  • No hypocrisy
  • No selfishness
  • No grudges
  • Be a peacemaker
  • Free from lusts
  • A godly family man

Thomas Jefferson
To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian in the only sense in which he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; and believing he never claimed any other.



  • The Christian who is pulling the oars doesn’t have time to rock the boat.
  • Christians are the light of the world, but the switch must be turned on.
  • To feel sorry for the needy is not the mark of a Christian; to help them is.


  • Charitable
  • Neighborly
  • Christlike

Woodrow Wilson
No man is a true Christian who does not think constantly of how he can lift his brother, how he can assist his friend, how he can enlighten mankind, how he can make virtue the rule of conduct in the circle in which he lives.


6:6 “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

A sinning man will stop praying.
A praying man will stop sinning!

How to pray:
Secretly in private, silently, untold

Watchfully diligently, responsibly

Believingly unhesitatingly, trustfully

Unceasingly continually, all the time

Abidingly   changelessly, as usual

Directly point-blank, squarely

Effectually forcefully, powerfully

C.H. Spurgeon
Public prayer is no evidence of piety. It is practiced by an abundance of hypocrites. But private prayer is a thing for which the hypocrite has no heart.


A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Jean Ingelow

I have lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered.

An Acrostic:
Pleads                    the name of Jesus

Regards     the work of Jesus

Abides                    in the person of Jesus

Yields                     to the will of Jesus

Expects      the promises of Jesus

Remembers  the commandments

Roy Pearson
Prayer is not a lazy substitute for work. It is not a shortcut to skill or knowledge. And sometimes God delays the answer to our prayer in final form until we have time to build up the strength, accumulate the knowledge, or fashion the character that would make it possible for Him to say “yeas” to what we ask.

6:7 “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.”

Of all villainies, there is none baser than that of the hypocrite, who at the moment he is most false, takes care to appear most virtuous.

Vain things:

  • Repetition  in prayers
  • Imaginations in thought
  • Wisdom in carnal reason
  • Words in speech
  • Deceit of actions
  • Jangling in discussion
  • Babblings in talk
  • Talkers in church
  • Questions in debate
  • Religion in profession
  • Help in man
  • Oblations in worship

A Trappist Monk
There are two main pitfalls on the road to mastery of the art of prayer. If a person gets what he asks for, his humility is in danger. If he fails to get what he asks for, he is apt to lose confidence. Indeed, no matter whether prayer seems to be succeeding or failing, humility and confidence are two virtues which are absolutely essential.


6:8 But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,” then he said to the paralytic, “Get up, take your mat and go home.”

Oswald Chambers
The authority we blindly grope after is God Himself, not a tendency making for righteousness, not a set of principles. Behind reality is God Himself, and the final authority is a personal relationship.

His Authority:

  • To
    lay down His life
  • To
    forgive sins
  • To
    be over demons
  • To
    be over sickness
  • To
  • To
    be over all men
  • In
    heaven and on earth!

Pulpit Preaching
The Christian faith is firmly rooted in the incarnation, in the conviction that, “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself.” To believe in Christ is to believe that God has come to earth to dwell with men. In Jesus, we meet the living. Jesus is more than a religious genius or a holy man or a spiritual pioneer. To believe in Christ is to believe that the living God has come.


6:9 “This, then, is how you should pray,

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Henry Ward Beecher

I think it is the most fearful prayer to pray in the world.

The Disciple’s Prayer:
Personal    internal, mind, heart, soul

Faithful                  committed, courageous

Worshiping   respectful, steadfast

Expecting  imminent, impending

Submitting nonresistance, surrender

Petitioning find a way, appeal to,

Confessing   remorseful, shamefaced

Depending on tenacious, persevering

Acknowledging    recognition, tribute, praise

Martin Luther
The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer above all prayers. It is a prayer which the most high Master taught us, wherein are comprehended all spiritual and temporal blessings, and the strongest comforts in all trials, temptations and troubles, even in the hour of death.


6:13 “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Every temptation is, among other things,

an opportunity for getting closer to God.


  • Falling through
  • Praying against
  • Enduring in
  • Delivered from
  • Succor in
  • Taken out of
  • Christ our example

Thomas Secker
To pray against temptation, and yet to rush into occasion, is to thrust your fingers into the fire, and then pray they might not be burnt.


6:19Do not store up for you treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.”

Men are nailed to the things of this life.



  • Do
    not save up earthy things.
  • Does
    not trust own understanding?
  • Do
    not let your heart be troubled.
  • Do
    not lose what you have in Him.
  • Do
    not love the world.
  • Do
    not lie to each other.

Malcolm Muggeridge
Riches make people decadent and they behave accordingly. When, as in our affluent society, there are many rich, there is much decadence.


6:20 “But store up for you treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

William Barclay
The danger of prosperity is that it encourages a false independence.

Storing up:

  • Unbreakable bank ignored
  • Portion for Him denied
  • Parent’s duty neglected
  • Mistakes of rich men
  • Fool’s blunder repeated
  • Sinner’s Legacy Judged
  • Fire of earth’s future

Oswald Chambers
In times of prosperity we are apt to forget God, we imagine it does not matter whether we recognize Him or not. As long as we are comfortable, clothed and fed and looked after, our civilization becomes an elaborate means of ignoring God.


Can anything be more absurd than to make so much the more provision for life’s journey, as there is less of that journey left?

Upward Life:

  • Treasure laid up
  • Faith looking up
  • Love building up
  • Life springing up
  • Power lifting up
  • Believer mounting up
  • Caught up to meet Christ!

William Penn
He that does well for good’s sake seeks neither praise nor reward, but he is sure of both in the end.


6:22The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson
The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough

The Body:

  • Single eye
  • Pure heart
  • Right spirit
  • Straight paths
  • Willing heart
  • True heart
  • Faithful hand

Oswald Chambers
If our body has been the slave of wrong habits physically, mentally and morally, we must get hold of a power big enough to re-make our habits and that power lies in the word “Regeneration.”


6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?

The misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never happen.


  • Sinful and produces fear
  • A disease that causes other ills
  • Borrowing trouble
  • Creating misery
  • Mental suicide
  • Wastes valuable time
  • Disgrace to God
  • Crime against God
  • Mental cruelty

George Sweeting
Bishop William Quayle, awake at night because of fruitless worrying, heard God say to him, “Quayle, you go to bed; I’ll sit up the rest of the night.” Whimsically put, that experience symbolizes a matter of major importance in the cure of worry.


A lot of people who are worrying about the future ought to be preparing for it.

Don’t Worry:

  • Trust in the Lord
  • Remember to pray
  • Live by the day
  • Recall His faithfulness
  • Be aware of His presence
  • He will provide your needs


What worries you masters you.

Anxiety and Committal

  • Commit yourself to Him
  • Commit your soul to Him
  • Commit your spirit to Him
  • Commit your way to Him
  • Commit your works to Him
  • Commit your burden to Him
  • Commit your care to Him

Fulton Oursler
We crucify ourselves between two thieves; regret for yesterday and fear of tomorrow.


7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

A.B. Simpson
We cannot ask in the behalf of Christ what Christ would not ask Himself if He were praying.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Seek and Find


  • Knock
  • Seek
  • Ask


  • Find
  • Receive

Dwight L. Moody
Spread out your petition before God, and then say, “Thy will, not mine, be done.” The sweetest lesson I have learned in God’s school is to let the Lord choose for me.


7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and may enter through it.”

Oswald Chambers
Men defy, but they cannot frustrate, and in the end they come to see that Jesus Christ’s is the only way.


  • A way into life
  • A open way
  • A narrow way

Kelly Peters
Christians are called to actively respond by showing that they are people who do not live according to the ways of this world, but according to the ways of God.


Herbert V. Prochnow
There is a time when we must firmly choose the course we will follow, or the relentless drift of events will make the decision for us.


  • Broad way
  • Crowded way
  • Fatal way

C.H. Spurgeon
Who can tell the hideous shriek of a lost soul? It cannot reach heaven. But if it could, it might well be dreamed that it would suspend the melodies of angels, might make even God’s redeemed weep, if they could hear the wailing of a damned soul.


Heywood Broun
Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.

Wide Gate:
Darkness   oblivious, blind, unconcern

Hell             eternal damnation, abyss

Fool            backward, unthinking, weak

Broad         spacious, boundless, ample

Thief           prowler, terrorist, stealer

Lies             perversion, distortion, twist

False          deceitful, unreliable, fraud

Wicked                   evil, villainous, heinous

Liar             slanderer, habitual, perjurer

C.H. Spurgeon
The road is so wide that there may be many independent tracks in it, and the drunkard may find his way along it without ever ruffling the complacency of the hypocrite. The mere moralist may pick a clean path all the way, while the immoral wretch may wade up to his knees in more throughout the whole road. Behold how sinners disagree and yet agree in this, that they are opposed to God! It is such a broad road.


Choice, not chance, determines destiny.


  • Strait gate  of salvation
  • Wide gate  of sin
  • City gate    of sorrow
  • Luxuriant gate of sadness
  • Beautiful gate of need
  • Closed gate of opportunity
  • Iron gate of deliverance
  • Knocked gate of gladness

Herbert V. Prochnow
There is a time when we must firmly choose the course we will follow, or the relentless drift of events will make the
decision for us.


7:16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?”

He who plants thorns

Must never expect to gather roses

False Fruit:

Bitter           spiteful, malicious, hateful

Natural                   uncultivated, fallow, simple

Selfish                   self-centered, egotistical

Deceitful    fraudulent, delusional, false

Corrupt                   malicious, revengeful, base

Fleshy                    decadent, indecent, vile

Oswald Chambers
Fruit is not the salvation of souls, that is God’s work; fruit is “the fruit of the Spirit,” love, joy, peace, etc.


7:20 “Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”


Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.

True Fruit:

  • Repentance Mat 4:17
  • Faith           Mat 5:3-12
  • Sanctification       Mat 7:13
  • Yieldedness Lk 14:25-27
  • Obedience Mat 7:21
  • Glorification Rom 3:23

Charles H. Spurgeon
I would not give much for your religion unless it can be seen. Lamps do not talk, but they do shine.


7:21Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is I in heaven.”

C.H. Spurgeon

Verily, I say to you, you cannot have Christ for your Savior unless you also have him as your Lord.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Lordship Salvation

  • No justification without regeneration.
  • Faith without works is dead faith.
  • Justification’s proof is perseverance.
  • Faith in a Savior who is not Lord is false
  • To follow Christ, you must bear His cross
  • No one will see God without holiness.

Colonel Ross
He that is not saved is under sin. He that is saved is above sin. And he that is sanctified is without sin.


The Church knows you!

The world knows you!

Does Jesus know you?


  • Believe in Christ
  • Repent of sin
  • Live holy lives
  • Love one another

Blaise Pascal
The Christian religion teaches me two points; that there is a God whom men can know, and that their nature is so corrupt that
they are unworthy of Him.


7:23 “Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!”

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Away from His:

Friendship harmony, solidarity, Spirit

Fellowship togetherness, one accord

Paradise    heaven, Zion, City of God

Presence   being, life, existence, body

Heaven                  paradise, Zion, City of God

Glory           splendor, elegance, luxury

Face           demeanor, appearance

Jonathan Edwards
The devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping for them, the flames gather and flash about them. When you come to be a firebrand of hell, you will appear as you are a viper indeed. Then will you as a serpent spit poison at God and vent your rage and malice in fearful blasphemies.


7:24 “Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice, is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

The most essential element

In any home is God.

His House:

  • Shelter                   retreat, refuge, haven
  • Rest            in peace, freedom, quiet
  • Fellowship togetherness, hospitality

Fireplace Motto:

  • The beauty of the house is order;
  • The blessings of the house are contentment;
  • The glory of the house is hospitality;
  • The crown of the house is godliness.


8:2. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

A stiff neck usually supports

An empty head

Spiritual Leper:

  • Sin              fall from grace, lapse
  • Deep          deep-rooted, pervasive
  • Pervading  exhaustive, thorough, vivid
  • Corrupting dirty, sordid, noxious, stale
  • Destroying corrupt, vulgar, lustful, base
  • Death         no life, crossing over, final

C.H. Spurgeon
If you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you set aside the witness of apostles, saints, and martyrs. You also impute foolishness or deceit to your dearest friends, some of whom died in faith, exhorting you to believe in Jesus Christ. Indeed, you make all of us who preach the gospel to be liars, and we are not so. Neither do you think so badly
of us when we speak in everyday life.


People who are afraid of death

Are usually afraid of life

The Living Death:

  • Deeply rooted
  • Slowly spreading
  • Loathsom
  • Infectious
  • Incurable
  • Fatal

C.H. Spurgeon

Avoid anxiously the double sin of unbelief.
If you do not believe Jesus, you do not believe God If you reject his Son, you reject him. If you give the lie to the teaching of Christ, you give the lie to God. Flee from this deadly sin!


God is stripping me of everything

To give me everything

The leper came:

Humbly                  surrendered, defeated, faint

Respectfully polite, reverent, in awe

Confident  expectant, optimistic, hope

Believing   convinced, certain, trusting

Submissive   surrendered, unresisting

It is more important, more thrilling, more satisfying and infinitely more valuable to know the Healer than to be healed.


8:3 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said, “Be clean!” Immediately, he was cured of his leprosy.

C.H. Spurgeon

I hope there are none here who claim a right to healing. For if so, the Lord will not listen to them.

His eight touches:

Cleansing sooth, purge, heal, cure

Cooling                  restorative, invigorating

Opening    overture, offer, invitation

Assuring    heartening, inspiring

Loosing                  freeing, deliverance, parole

Blessing    happiness, favor, success

Quickening   burst of energy, thrust

Healing                  reviving, recuperative

Sandra L. Douglas
To have a curable illness and to leave it untreated except for prayer is like sticking your hand in a fire and asking God to remove the flame.


Confidence should arise from beneath,

And power descends from above

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Put forth His hand

  •  Power to heal
  • Power to send
  • Power to sow
  • Power to manifest
  • Power to direct
  • Power to evidence
  • Power to return
  • Power to reward

Gordon Chilvers
The Holy Spirit is God resident on earth. All divine power resides in Him. He is looking for those who are honest enough to be trusted with the power He can give them. They alone will use it for God’s glory and not for themselves.


Prayer is the

Recovery of the soul’s breathing

What prayer is?

  • Empty hand of need
  • Cry of despair
  • Key to open heaven
  • Hedge of protection
  • Life’s blood
  • Sap of fruitfulness
  • Companion of praise

Arlo F. Newell
When praying for healing, ask great things of God and expect great things from God. But let us seek for that healing that really matters, the healing of the heart, enabling us to trust God simply, face God honestly, and live triumphantly.


8:26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Mother Teresa

God didn’t ask me to be successful; He asked me to be faithful.

Which Master?

  • Have you been born again?
  • In whom do you trust?
  • Whose work are you doing?
  • What company do you keep?
  • What is your conversation?
  • What have you learned?

Os Guinness
Find out how seriously a believer takes his doubts, and you have the index of how seriously he takes his faith.


8:27 The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

When Jesus comes, the shadows depart.

His Humanity:

  • Divine in His origin
  • Faultless in His character
  • Powerful in His actions
  • Loving in His grace
  • Wonderful in His teaching
  • Perfect in His offering
  • Unchanging in His priesthood

I.M. Haldeman

If Jesus Christ were not virgin born, then, of course, He had a human father; if He had a human father, then He inherited the nature of that father; as that father had a nature of sin, then He inherited his nature of sin; then Jesus Himself was a lost sinner and He
Himself needed a Savior form sin. Deny the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and you paralyze the whole scheme of redemption by Jesus Christ.


He who has nothing to say about

Jesus Christ has nothing to say.

The Man:

Personality identity, uniqueness, self

Love           tenderness, devotion

Holiness    moral excellence, virtue

Example    representative, example

Reception  sociable, friendliness, cheer

Life             participation, interaction

Resurrection renaissance, revival, eternal

Return                    new beginning, resumption

Richard Halverson

Men who fear God face life fearlessly.

Men who do not fear God end up fearing everything.


8:28 When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way.

We cannot do evil to others

Without doing it to ourselves


  • In man
  • Is death
  • Hates freedom
  • Hates Jesus


You cannot always prevent people from speaking evil about you, but you can live so that their stories will be false.


8:34 Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.

We are restrained from lawlessness

Chiefly through reverent fear

Criminal Justice System

Prison staff:

  • Jail builders
  • Politicians
  • Police
  • Jail employees
  • Psychologists
  • Social workers


When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.


9:5 “Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk?”

Blessed is he who forgives

Without remembering and who receives forgiveness without forgetting.


  • Palsied sinner
  • Diseased sinner
  • Weeping sinner
  • Trespassing sinner
  • Iniquitous sinner
  • Transgressing sinner
  • Atoned-for sinner

Oswald Chambers

When we have experienced the unfathomable forgiveness of God for all our wrong, we must exhibit that same forgiveness to others.


9:4 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?”

He that will not command his thoughts will soon lose command of his actions.

Woodrow Wilson

Their Thoughts:

Hopeless   despairing, dejected, futile

Hurting                   tortured, agonized, pained

Hungry                   dilapidated,impoverished

Thirsty                    parched, withering, drained

Weak          superficial, meaningless

Weary         laborious, punishing, hard

Broken                   defective, out of order, unfit

Shattered   incomplete, vague, rough

Desperate  despondent, dejected, bleak

Unworthy   inferior, obscure, lowly

Lost             incorrigible, obstinate

Unregenerate       un-repented, un-regretted

When my gasoline tank registers empty, I know it is full: that is, full of air. But the automobile was not built to run on air. To displace the air, I must fill it with gasoline. God’s cure for evil thinking is to fill our minds with that which is good.


9:9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the at collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Oswald Chambers

The one striking thing about following is we must not find our own way, for when we take the initiative we cease to follow.

When He calls:

  • Hear Him attentively
  • Rise up quickly
  • Respond immediately

C.H. Spurgeon

The proud flesh wants to serve Christ by striking out new paths. Proud man has a desire to preach new doctrine, to set up a new church, to be an original thinker, to judge and consider and do anything but obey. This is no service to Christ. He that would serve Christ must follow him. He must be content to tread only where Christ has led the way.
It is not for you and me to be originals; we must be humble copies of Christ.


9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Pity weeps and turns away;

Compassion comes to help and stay.

His Compassion:

  • Covenant
  • Incarnation
  • Living in the flesh
  • Bearing the Cross
  • His return

Doyle Brannon

Sinners can set themselves against the most eloquent preaching, stubbornly resist all logic, stay away from revival meeting, and scorn all truth. But true, heart-felt compassion on the part of the Christian releases a power that in time proves irresistible.


10:22 “All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”

The mark of true justification

Is perseverance in righteousness?

Four steps:

  • Plan purposefully
  • Prepare prayerfully
  • Proceed positively
  • Pursue persistently

Calvin Coolidge

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will no; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.


10:27 “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight, what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.

Every Christian occupies

Some kind of a pulpit and preaches

Some kind of sermon every day

The Message:

  • Peace in the Blood
  • Power in the Holy Spirit
  • Rest in faith
  • Safety in conformity
  • Joy is nearness


The minister of a local congregation approached the desk of the city editor. “I just dropped by,” he said, “to thank you for the very generous report on my sermon in your morning edition, and also to register a mild protest. In your article you referred to me as “reverend” but you spelled it “neverend.”


10:30 “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

When God allows a burden to be put upon you, He will put His arms underneath you to help you carry it.

Protected from:

Real loss   doubt, distrust, unbelief

Persecution threat, terror, hatred, abuse

Accidents  disaster, mishap, calamity

Necessity   need, urgency, essential

Sickness    bad, poor, delicate, failing

Death         expiry, grave, doom, end

C.H. Spurgeon

If God so values me that he counts the very hairs of my head, ought I not to give to God my whole self even to the minutest detail? Should I not give him, not merely my head, but my hair, as that penitent woman did who unbound her tresses that she might make a towel of them with which to wipe the feet that she had washed with her tears? Ought we not to consecrate to God the very least things as well as the greater things?


Benjamin Franklin

I have lived a long time, sir, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: God governs in the affairs of men.

Attention of Grace

  • Names His sheep
  • Numbers our hairs
  • Counts our steps
  • Books our thoughts
  • Bottles our tears
  • Takes our hands
  • Supplies our need

Charles Allen

In the Bible, there are three distinctive meanings of grace: it means the mercy and active love of God; it means the winsome attractiveness of God; it means the strength of God to overcome.


10:31 “So don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.”

C.S. Lewis

Anxiety is not only a pain which we must ask God to assuage, but also a weakness we must ask Him to pardon.

Fear not of God’s:

Provision   tender loving care

Prayer                    relief, comfort, remedies

Favor          summon, desire, preference

Salvation   unshackling, extrication, bail

Assurance truth, evidence, certainty

Promise     commitment, covenant word

Presence   existence, pervasiveness

Victory                    conquest, rout, success

C.H. Spurgeon

I would rather go to heaven doubting all the way, then be lost through self-confidence. There is holy fear which must not be banished from the church of God. There is a sacred anxiety which puts us on the question, and examines us whether we be in the faith, and it is not to be disdained.


10:38 “And anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”


Necessity   essential, precondition

Society                   togetherness, fellowship

Love           holiness, mercy sovereignty

Faith           reliance, expectation, trust

Hope          anticipate, confident, expect

Zeal            voracity, fervor, passion

Experience awareness, impression

Expectation   eventuality, foresight, ahead


Must Jesus bear the cross alone?

And all the church goes free?

No, there’s a cross for everyone

And there’s a cross for me.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Your cross

  • Deliberately take it up
  • Boldly face it
  • Patiently endure it
  • Cheerful resignation
  • Obediently follow Him


Ivan Illich

Anyone who consistently takes the prophetic stance must be prepared to end up on a hill like Calvary, because true prophetic testimony of profound unconformity may arouse the fiercest violence against it.

11:7 As John’s disciples were leaving; Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: “What did you go out into the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind?”


  • If you want to convince others of the value of Christianity; live it.
  • An empty tomb proves Christianity; an empty church denies it.
  • Christianity is a roll-up-your sleeves religion.

Which are you?

  • Multitudes go out to see
  • Householders go out to hire
  • Backsliders go out to repent
  • Righteous go out to leave
  • Prisoners go out to liberty
  • Believers go out to blessing
  • Saints go out to pray

C.H. Spurgeon

How many, my dear friend, were you ever the means of bringing to Jesus? You believe that they must perish everlastingly, unless they have faith in Christ. How many have you personally prayed for? How many did you ever break your heart about? You believe that they must love Christ or be damned. How many have you ever talked to concerning him who is the only Savior?


11:28Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Frederick Speakman

The roads we take are more important than the goals we announce. Decisions determine destiny.

He became what we are that

He might make us what He is.


Jesus is:

Rich            prestige, honor, glory, life

Compassionate    tolerant, tender, forgiving

Kind            gracious, generous, tender

Affable                   friendly, amusing, polite

Powerful    compelling, dominating

King            absolute, master, lord

Teacher     genius, expert, streetwise

Physician  healer, caregiver, surgeon

Friend                    companion, comrade, chum

Shepherd  mentor, protector, lifeguard

William Biederwolf

A man who can read the New Testament and not see that Christ claims to be more than a man, can look all over the sky at high noon on a cloudless day and not see the sun.


Jesus is the yes to every promise of God.

William Barclay

Jesus is:

Prophet                  feeling, insight, perception

Teacher     translator, reformer, apostle

Priest          primate, pontifex maximus

Savior         logos, anointed, the Word

King            absolute, chief, supreme

Sovereign  crowned head, monarch

Thomas Jefferson

His parentage was obscure: His condition poor; His education null; His natural endowments great; His life correct and innocent; He was meek, benevolent, patient, firm, disinterested, and of the Sublimest eloquence.


We are always on the anvil; by trials, God is shaping us for higher things.

Go to Him:

Weary         ready to drop, exhausted

Disappointed        let down, disillusioned

Dying         suicide, disease, old age

Guilty          culpable, caught, proven

Anxious                 agitated, distressed, uptight

Greedy                   unrestrained, addicted

Ambitious  keeping up with the Jones

Sorrowful   downhearted, wretched, sad

Poor            deprived, needy, indigent

Oppressed ill-treated, exploited, wasted

Tempted     captivated, infatuated, yearn

Remorseful   conscience-stricken, sorry

The beginner, moved by fear, patiently bears the Cross of Christ.

The one who already made some progress on the road to perfection, inspired by hope, carries it cheerfully;

The perfect soul, consumed by love, embraces it ardently.


When I dig another out of trouble, the hole from which I lift him is the place where I bury my own.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


Humility                 unpretentious, simplicity

Revelation exposure, uncovering

Repentance remorse, apology

Faith           reliance, dependence

Submission   consent, resignation

C.H. Spurgeon

If you cannot come with a broken heart, come for a broken heart. If you cannot come with faith, come for faith. If you cannot come repenting, come and ask the Lord to give you repentance. Come empty-handed, bankrupt, ruined, condemned, and you will find rest.


There are nocrown-wearers in heaven

Who were notcross-bearers here below?


Rest invigorate, refresh, enliven, relax

Learn to understand, realize, appreciate

Serve promote, advance, intercede

C.H. Spurgeon

An old Puritan says, “Come to Jesus, sinner, and if you are lame, come lame. If you say to have no feet, come on your stumps. Come as you can, for he cannot reject you till he denies himself.”


Dante Alighieri

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of great moral crisis maintain their neutrality.

Why Come?

  • It is very earnest   heed
  • It is very simple                 seize
  • It fits us exactly                 wear
  • It is very gracious accept

C.H. Spurgeon

The cry of the Christian religion is the simple word “come.” The Jewish law said, “Go and break the commandments, and thou shalt perish. God, and keep them, and thou shalt live.” The law was a dispersion of the whip, which drove men before it. The gospel is just the opposite. It is the Shepherd’s dispensation. He goes before his sheep, and he
bids them follow him saying, “Come.” The law repels; the gospel attracts.


Bruce Wilkinson

When we ask God’s blessing, we’re not asking for more of what we could get for ourselves but nothing more and nothing less than what God wants for us.


Rest            relaxes, unwind, slow down

Meekness  modesty, unpretentiousness

Supply                   provision, care, sustenance

Peace         stillness, harmony, quiet

Keeping     safekeeping, custody, care

Indwelling inhabitant, resident, citizen

Life             existence, vital, living soul

Joy              contentment, happiness

C.H. Spurgeon

Perhaps no verse in the whole of Scripture has been handled in the pulpit more frequently than this, and yet it has not been exhausted, and never can it be. It is a great soul-saving text.


Some people complain because God puts thorns on roses, while others praise God for putting roses among the thorns.

I will:

  • Give you rest
  • Make you fishers of men
  • Pour water upon the thirsty
  • Carry, bear and deliver
  • Make a way
  • Strengthen you
  • Provide victory

Elisabeth Elliot

The will of God is not something you add to your life. It’s a course you choose. You either line yourself up with the Son of God or you capitulate to the principle which governs the rest of the world.


11:29 “Take my yoke upon you and learn form me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

George Elliot

I could not live in peace if I put the shadow of a willful sin between myself and God.

Promised twice:

  • Rest for you
  • Character of His
  • Place with Him
  • Abiding in Him
  • Peace for you
  • Presence near Him
  • Association with Him

C.H. Spurgeon

I might call to witness all those who have ever proved this. Never did a man wear the yoke of Christ but he always loved to wear it.


Peace is not the absence of conflict from life, but the ability to cope with it.


  • A sinner’s rest disturbed
  • A restless one delivered
  • A second rest found
  • A worker refreshed
  • The Spirit resting on you
  • A busy group resting
  • Persecuted martyrs resting

L. Thomas Holdcroft

There may be those on earth who dress better or eat better, but those who enjoy the peace of God sleep better.


12:15 Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. May followed him, and he healed all their sick.

It is more important, more thrilling, more satisfying and infinitely more valuable to know the Healer than to be healed.

The King:

  • He came
  • He saw
  • He conquered!


Honor a physician with the honor due unto him for the uses which ye may have of him; for the Lord hath created him. For of the Highest cometh healing and he shall receive honor of the king. The skill of the physician shall lift up his head: and in the sight of great men he shall be in admiration.


12:18 “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.”

The collapse of character often begins on compromise corner.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Character of Christ

  • Chosen Eph 1:4
  • Obedient Phil 2:8
  • Beloved Lk 3:22
  • Anointed                Jn 6:27
  • Revealing              Jn 3:34
  • Lowly                      Mat 11:29
  • Sympathetic          Isa 42:3
  • Conquering          Isa 53:11
  • Trustworthy           Acts 4:12

B.F. Westcott

The revelation of Christ in His person and work was absolute and complete, but without the gradual illumination of the Spirit, it is partly unintelligible and partly unobserved.


If you wish to be disappointed,

Look to others.

If you wish to be down-hearted,

Look to yourself.

If you wish to be encouraged,

Look upon Jesus Christ.

Eric Sauer

Behold the:

Christ         logos, the Word, anointed

Servant                  subordinate, attendant, help

Lamb          symbol of peace, pacifier

Man            individual, flesh and blood

Sower         preparer, cultivator, planter

King            absolute, supreme, chief

God             first cause, begetter, father

Edmund de Pressense

He who was foretold and foreshadowed by the holy religion of Judea, which was designed to free the universal aspiration of mankind from every impure element, he has come to instruct, to obey, to love, to die and by dying to save mankind.


12:20 “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory.”

When we do what we can,

God will do what we can’t.


  • Strength is vanity
  • Power is delusion
  • Might is a lie

Phillips Brooks

The truest help we can render an afflicted man is not to take his burden from him, but to call out his best strength that he may be able to bear the burden.


A person’s character is put to a severe test when he suddenly acquires or quickly loses a considerable amount of money.


Money                    gold, cash, silver, currency

Talent         ability, instinct, aptitude, gift

Time           past, present, future, term

C.H. Spurgeon

You remember how the old Puritan put it. He had been rich and then was brought to poverty. And he said he didn’t find much difference, for when he was rich he found God in all, and now that he was poor he found all in God. Perhaps the latter is the higher state of the two.


Clarence Autrey

The poison of rattlesnakes cannot be removed, nor the snakes subdued, by spraying them with perfume. Nothing but the surging tides of revival can cleanse the frontier of human corruption.

Revival can begin with:

  • Onepoor man
  • One ignorant man
  • One weak man
  • One backsliding man
  • One praying man

G. Aiken Taylor

God has never seen fit to make numbers or organization the basis of out poured blessing. Rather, it has again and again been the individual or the small group who are completely surrendered to Him and who undertake their work trusting Him and who undertake their work trusting solely in the power of the Holy Spirit.


12:29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

He who labors as he prays

lifts his heart to God with his hands.

Bernard of Clairvaux


  • Rest your heart
  • Keep His commandments
  • Do not condemn
  • Live your life in Him
  • Put aside your troubles
  • Be spiritually minded
  • Pray for grace and power


Order your soul; reduce your wants; live in charity; associate in Christian community; obey the laws; trust in Providence.


Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.”

The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.


A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


  • Contact with Living Water
  • Spiritual acceptability
  • Death of old life
  • Chastening and pruning
  • Abiding in Christ

C.H. Spurgeon

A sermon often does a man most good when it makes him most angry. Those who walk down the aisles and say, “I will never hear that man again,” very often have an arrow rankling in their breast.


We cannot do evil to others

Without doing it to ourselves.

Joseph Desmahis


Natural                   guilty, hard-hearted, worldly

Selfish                   self-centered, egotistical

Deceitful    deceptively, fraudulent

Corrupt                   depraved, rotten, vile, fallen

Fleshy                    material, unspiritual, lustful

C.H. Spurgeon

Look at fallen human nature. Whitefield used to say that it was half beast and half devil. I question whether both beast and devil are not slandered by being compared with man when he is left to himself.


13:4 “As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.”

The intellect is always fooled by the heart.


Indifferent              superficial, casual

Emotional              spontaneous, rash

Double minded                ambivalent, unsure

Dishonest              criminal, cheat

Oswald Chambers

The Christian is one who bases his whole confidence in God and His work of grace, and then the emotions become the beautiful ornament of the life, not the source of it.


Motivation without knowledge

Produces fanaticism


  • Unresponsive
  • Unconcerned
  • Inattentive
  • Indifferent
  • Negligent
  • Hostile
  • No sorrow for sin
  • No guilt
  • No concern for Jesus
  • Careless
  • Calloused
  • Hardened

David R. Chamberlain

Humanism vainly attempts to help people lift themselves by their own bootstraps, but the gains are only illusory. Humanity repeats Lucifer’s sin of pride and self-sufficiency, with equally tragic results.


13:5-6 “Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.

Albert M. Wells, Jr

Some Christians are like Christmas trees.
They are decorated on the outside and dead on the inside.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


Superficial weak, trivial, shallow, petty

Quick          alive, vital, enlivened, flesh

Emotional  impulsive, unguarded, blind

Euphoric    dance, carouse, party down

Exciting                  thrilling, stimulating, electric

Shallow                 skin-deep, trivialize, trifle

Billy Sunday

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.


13:7 “Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.

Theologically, wealth is a more serious problem than poverty.

Lauren Hogebrink


Career                    occupation, vocation, job

Home         residence, house, domicile

Car              vehicle, motor vehicle, auto

Hobby                    amusement, revelry, play

Clothes                  apparel, wear, attire, garb

Prestige     class, status, materialism

Appearance superficiality, impression

Wealth                   investments, possessions

Peter Maurin

The world would be better off if people tried to become better. And people would become better if they stopped trying to become better off. For when everybody tries to become better off, nobody becomes better off. But when everybody tries to become better, everybody is better off.


13:8 “Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop: a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.

Martin Luther

Conversion is not a mere changing of habits, but a change of heart, a spiritual rebirth of man; that it is brought about by the power of God working through the Word.


Wayside     roadside, nearby, close

Shallow                 superficial, no depth, slight

Weedy                    overgrown, choked, dense

Fertile         fruitful, lush, bountiful

Oswald Chambers

We are not to make men converts of our opinions. But we are to make them disciples of Jesus.


C.H. Spurgeon

As for that sandy gospel which lets you fall away and then come back again, it is the wickedest falsehood on earth.


The sower is Jesus

The field    is the world

The seed   is the Word

The wheat is the children of God

The tares   are Satan’s children

The enemy    is Satan

The harvest  is the end of the world

Paul Lowenberg

Bruised hand, take the scepter; bruised head, take the crown; blessed Son of God, take the throne for “Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever.”


13:16 “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.”

Oswald Chambers

If I see better than I act on, I am sealing my soul with damnation.

Your eyes:

Blessed                  confirming, consenting

Seeing                   observant, watchful, aware

Guided                   straightforward, undeviating

Expectant  anticipate, hopeful, eager

Lifted          ascending, supportive

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired so long as we can see far enough.


13:49 “This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous.”

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Orin Gifford

You may juggle human laws, you may fool with human courts, but there is a judgment to come, and from it there is no appeal.

Shall come of:

Separation seclusion, isolation, solitude

Glory           grandeur, splendor, luxury

Fulfillment closure, conclusion, end

Antichrist   monarch of hell, Lucifer

Judgment  decision, condemnation

Peter Cartwright

I have great respect for the President, but all men need to be restored, and unless our good President repents of his sin, he will be judged by God.


14:9 The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request b e granted.

The blood of the martyrs

Is the seed of the church?



Sinner                    culprit, criminal, terrorist

Savior         lifesaver, rescuer, liberator

Servant                  undistinguished, inoffensive

Spirit           Paraclete, Comforter, Dove

Saint           disciple, pilgrim, believer

Ralph Larson

We poor humans boast of our freedom, and then exhibit our shackles of material enslavement. We insist that nobody can tell us what to do, but the clanking of our chains gives our plight away.


14:27 But Jesus immediately said to them, “Take courage! It is I. don’t be afraid!

Men who fear God face life fearlessly.

Men who do not fear God end up fearing everything.

When Christ says:

  • It is I
  • Arise
  • Go and tell
  • Believe
  • God is feared
  • Speak

Henry Ward Beecher

God planted fear in the soul as truly as he planted hope or courage. It is a kind of bell or gong which rings the mind into quick life and avoidance on the approach of danger. It is the soul’s signal for rallying.


We promise according to our hopes,

And perform according to our fears.

Bow of promise:

  • Help in need
  • Strength in weakness
  • Cheer in despondency
  • Guidance in perplexity
  • Peace in trouble
  • Joy is sorrow
  • Power in service

Oswald Chambers

The promises of God are of no use to me until by obedience I understand the nature of God.


14:29Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

The Christian life is like an airplane:

When you stop you drop!

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


  • Mat 11:28
  • Mat 14:29
  • Jn 11:43
  • Rev 22:17
  • Rev 22:20

William Bridges

Christian faith is nothing else but the soul’s venture. It ventures to Christ, in opposition to all legal terrors. It ventures on Christ in opposition to our guiltiness. It ventures for Christ, in opposition to all difficulties and discouragements.


14:30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

Fear is a sin:

  • Repent of it
  • End it
  • Run from it

Billy Graham

Anxiety is the natural result when our hopes are centered in anything short of God and His will for us.


Notice: Only one got out of the boat!

The teaching:

  • A bold                     request
  • A gracious invitation
  • A successful         venture
  • A momentary        failure
  • An earnest    prayer
  • A speedy   deliverance
  • A gentle     rebuke
  • A blessed  result

Marlene LeFever

Becoming an effective teacher is simple. You just prepare and prepare until drops of blood appear on your forehead.


15:25 The woman came and knelt before him, “Lord, help me!” she said.

Heaven is full of answers to prayers

For which no one ever bothered to ask.

Billy Graham

Her prayer:

Short          brief, concise, cautious

Humble                  obscure, subordinate

Fervent                  passionate, intense

Desperate  dejected, bleak, forlorn

Rational     pleading, justified, casual

Respectful attached, loyal, compatible

Worshipful adoring, in awe, deifying

Persevering steadfast, unshakable

Determined   inflexible, unwavering, cool

Full of faith conviction, certainty, belief

C.H. Spurgeon

Unbelieving prayers! Shall I call them prayers? Prayers without faith! They are birds without wings, ships without sails, beasts without legs. Prayers that have no faith in Christ are prayers without the blood on them. They are deeds without the signature, without the seal, without the stamp. They are impotent, illegal documents.


John Bunyan
In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.

William Culbertson

Keep praying, but be thankful that God’s answers are wiser than your prayers.

  • Were not her prayers good?
  • Was not her case needy?
  • Feel her need sufficiently?
  • Not earnest enough?
  • Had no faith?
  • Don’t give up!

C.H. Spurgeon

It is the burning lava of the soul that has a furnace within; a very volcano of grief and sorrow; it is that burning lava of prayer that finds its way to God. No prayer ever reaches God’s heart which does not come from our hearts.


15:30 Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them.

It is more important, more thrilling,

More satisfying and infinitely

More valuable to know the Healer

Then to be healed.

He healed them:

  • Lame unsteady walk
  • Blind   walking in the dark
  • Cripple useless
  • Dumb lips sealed

John H. Gerstner

Miracles may be denied, but healings are not. Christ produces a sound faith, and faith has a therapeutic value.


15:31 The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel.

A candle lights others

And consumes it!

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


  • In newness of life
  • By faith
  • In the Spirit
  • In love
  • In wisdom
  • In the truth
  • After His commandments

A tramp, obviously under the influence of alcohol, approached evangelist D.L. Moody.

”Mr. Moody,” said he, “you’re the man who saved me.” As the great evangelist observed the bearded face, bloodshot eyes, unkempt hair, and torn clothes, he replied, “Yes, it looks as if I did save you. If the Lord had, you wouldn’t be in this condition.”


16:5 When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot to take bread. ”Be careful” Jesus said to them. “Be on our guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

John Erskine

Most people have some sort of religion; at least they know what church they’re staying away from.

Carnal Clerics:

  • Fundamental legalism
  • Sanctimonious asceticism
  • Communal pietism
  • Religious institutionalism
  • Hard-line pharisaic
  • Wild-eyed mysticism
  • Rigid monasticism

Walter Bagehot

The whole history of civilization is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first, and deadly afterwards.


16:15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?

Martin Luther

Whoever sees Christ as a mirror of the Father’s heart actually walks through the world with new eyes.

Oswald Chambers

Who is Jesus Christ? God exalted in Christ crucified.

What did they say?

  • Soldiers
  • Mary
  • Disciples
  • 1st thief
  • 2nd thief
  • Centurion
  • Priests
  • Angels
  • Satan
  • God
  • Passerby

Martin Luther

Whoever sees Christ as a mirror of the Father’s heart actually walks through the world with new eyes.


In Jesus

We discover all of God we can know;

in Jesus

We have all of God we can need.

Jesus said, “I AM the”

  • Bread of Life
  • Light of the world
  • Gate
  • Good Shepherd
  • Way, the Truth and the Life
  • True Vine

C.S. Lewis

“I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.” That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic, on a level with man who says he is a poached egg, or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice.

Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.


Jesus clothes the Beatitudes with His own life.

Is there any:

  • Example to follow?
  • Command to obey?
  • Error to avoid?
  • Sin to repent of?
  • Work to do?

William Booth

“Not called!” did you say? “Not heard the call,” I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help.
God stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters, and servants and masters not to come there.

And then look Christ in the face, whose mercy you have professed to obey, and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world.


16:16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

When Jesus comes,

The shadows depart!

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


  • Glory in His Deity
  • Glow in His Love
  • Reality of His Humanity
  • Sufficiency of His Death
  • Indwelling of His Spirit
  • Beauty of His Character
  • Hope of His Glory

The great Word of the Gospel is not God is love. That is too stationary, too little energetic. It produces a religion unable to cope with crises. But the Word is this: Love is omnipotent forever because it is holy. That is the voice of Christ rose from the midst of time, and from time’s chaos and convulsions, yet coming from the depths of eternity
where the Son dwells in the bosom of the Father The key to history is the
historic Christ above history and in command of it, and there is no other key.


Frederick Faber

Earth grows into heaven, as we come to live and breathe in the atmosphere of the incarnation. Jesus makes heaven wherever He is.

Living God:

Foundation   supporting structure, base

Supply                   provision, equipment, stock

Food           sustenance, daily bread

Power         authority, command, sway

Access                   direct approach, front door

Union         merger, coming together

Glory           splendor, elegance, luxury

Benjamin Franklin

I have lived a long time, sir, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: that God governs in the affairs of men.


Jesus Christ is not a crutch;

He is the ground to walk on.

Son of God:

Commended praiseworthy, deserving

Taught                   advised, forearmed

Affirmed     authenticated, certified

Crucified    executed, impaled, killed

Demonstrated       proven, verified, settled

C.H. Spurgeon

Infinite and an infant. Eternal, and yet born of a woman. Almighty, and yet hanging on a woman’s abreast. Supporting a universe, and the needing to be carried in a mother’s arms. King of angels, and yet the reputed son of Joseph. Heir of all things, and the carpenter’s despised son.


16:18 “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

There are two dangers that

The church must avoid.

Isolation from the world

And imitation of the world

You’re Church?

  • Anthems without adoration
  • Creeds without conversion
  • Listeners without holiness
  • Ministers without a message
  • Programs without prayers
  • Religion without regeneration
  • Rituals without reality
  • Sermons without salvation
  • Stained windows no soul winning
  • Sweet organs without spiritual order
  • Theology without kneeology

Beautiful but empty!

Bob Harrington

You can have the largest church auditorium, the biggest Sunday School, and run up a steeple on the church so high that it interferes with astronauts circling the earth, but the angels in heaven won’t give a holy grunt until some old sinner comes down the aisle and gets right with Jesus.


John R.W. Stott

Before Christ sent the church into the world.
He sent His Spirit into the church. The same order must be observed today.

Real Church people:

Broken                   in need of repair, defective


Imperfect    fallible, vulnerable, frail

Teachable persuadable, convincible

Forgetful    absentminded, oblivious

Troubled    worried, confused, beset

Lost             obstinate, having no regrets

Theodore Roosevelt

The true Christian is the true citizen, lofty of purpose, resolute in endeavor, ready for a hero’s deeds, but never looking down on his task because it is cast in the day of small things; scornful of baseness, awake to his own duties as well as to his rights, following the higher law with reverence, and in this world doing all that in his power lies, so that when death comes he may feel that mankind is in some degree better because he lived.


16:20 “Then he warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ.”

C.H. Spurgeon

There are no crown-wearers in heaven, who were not cross-bearers on earth.

His reasoning:

Anticipation   precaution, foresight, heeds

Necessity   imperative, requisite, must

Acceptance   comes to terms with

Submission   obedience, subordination

T.R. Glover

The Lord promised His disciples three things: they would be entirely fearless, absurdly happy, and always in trouble.


16:23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

The devil comes without invitation,

But leaves only when commanded.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


Opposes    retaliates, defies, rebels

Steals                     predatory, deception, forge

Sifts            muddles, confuses, mixes

Endeavors struggles, plans, projects

Tempts                   corrupts, distorts, perverts

Transforms modifies, deforms, twists

Hinders                  obstructs, stifles, disables

John Stott

Satan, when tempting someone, says that sin isn’t very bad, isn’t very big and isn’t very important. But after the person has yielded to temptation and sinned, and has begun to think about asking God’s forgiveness, ten Satan reverses his field. And to his victim Satan declares that sin is so big, so bad and so awful that asking forgiveness will hardly


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

Wicked Ways:

  • Malignant temptation
  • Cruel work in binding
  • Despotic sway
  • Deceitful works
  • Wicked purposes
  • Hurtful messengers
  • Resists the Angel of the Lord

William L. Sullivan

Thought, purpose, logic, industriousness, but without radiance or love: Isn’t it an accurate description of Satan?


17:2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.

Oswald Chambers

Jesus Christ emptied Himself of His glory a second time; He came down from the Mount of Transfiguration and accomplished His death at Jerusalem.

His face:

Glorious     stunning, brilliant, strong

Agonizing  tender, distressed, acute

Covered     obscured, secret, discreet

Steadfast   iron-willed, unyielding, firm

Set              dare, defy, determined

Struck         stinging, aching, tender, raw

Marred                    bruised, scarred, imperfect

Illuminating  radiant, dazzling, gleaming

Revealed   unmistakable, bold, daring

Oswald Chambers

If Jesus Christ had gone to heaven from the Mount of Transfiguration, we might have worshiped Him, but we would have had no power to live the kind of life He lived. But Jesus did not come to show us what holy life was like: He came to make us holy by means of His death.


17:5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased. Listen to him.”

The three persons in the Godhead are three in one sense and one in another. We cannot tell how, and that is the mystery.


Word           venerates, honor, observe

Works         perform, serve, be useful

Blood          life requirement, necessity

Spirit           force, spark, flame, soul

John Wesley

Tell me how it is that in this room there are three candles and one light, and I will explain to you the mode of the divine existence.


17:8 When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

Matthew presents Jesus as the Royal Savior; Mark, as the Servant of man; Luke, as the Son of man; John, as Son of God.

Just Him:

  • Eyes
  • Voice
  • Head
  • Hands
  • Soul
  • Heart

Eric Sauer

If you wish to be disappointed, look to others. If you wish to be down-hearted, look to yourself. If you wish to be encouraged, look upon Jesus Christ.


18:5 “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

Too often an abandoned child is one

Who is still living with his parents?

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


Honesty upright, trustworthy, fair

Humility modest, simplicity, plain

Innocence harmless, purity of heart

Obedience nonresistance, pliancy

Trust honor, reverence, faith

James Baldwin Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.


18:20 “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.

Loneliness seems to have become The great American disease


  • Where? Divine location
  • 2 or 3 Divine drawing
  • Together Divine unity
  • My Name Divine authority
  • Am I Divine presence
  • Them Divine center

C.H. Spurgeon

What the moon is to the night or the sun to the day or the Nile to Egypt or the dew to the tender herb or the soul to the human frame, that is the presence of Jesus to his church.


St. Francis of Assisi

Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self.

I am there:

  • Center of attraction
  • Object of Calvary
  • Power of prayer
  • Privilege of service
  • Joy of believers
  • Purpose of gathering
  • Church in discipline

George Eliot

The idea of God, and the sense of His presence, intensify all noble feeling and encourage all noble effort, pour new life into our languid love, and give firmness to our vacillating purpose.


19:16 Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

Our Lord’s teaching does not mean anything to a man until it does, and then it means everything.


  • Ruling Master
  • Teaching Master

William Ward

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.


19:13-14 Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Edith Wharton

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.

His Attractability:

  • Mothers brought their children
  • Children loved Him
  • Sinners came to Him
  • Men followed Him
  • Mary loved Him
  • Soldiers were charmed by Him
  • Centurion confessed Him
  • People wondered about Him
  • Pilate was astonished by Him
  • Samaritans praised Him
  • Shepherds worshipped Him
  • Martha served Him
  • Demoniac wanted to stay with Him
  • People gathered to Him

Jeremy Taylor

He died not by a single or sudden death, but He was the Lamb slain from the beginning of the world; for He was massacred in Abel; He was tossed upon the sea in Noah; it was He that went out of His country when Abraham was called from Haran, and wandered from his native soil; He was offered up in Isaac, persecuted in Jacob, betrayed in Joseph, blinded in Samson, affronted in Moses, saw in Isaiah, imprisoned with Jeremiah. He was stoned in Stephen, flayed in Bartholomew, roasted in Lawrence, exposed to lions in Ignatius, burnt in Polycarp, frozen in the lake where stood the forty martyrs of Cappodocia. The sacrament of Christ’s death cannot be accomplished, said Hilary, but by suffering all the sorrows of humanity.


19:20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said, “What do I still lack?

They that know God will be humble, And they that know themselves Cannot be proud

He still was:

  • Covetous possessive, insatiable
  • Indulgent greedy, voracious, never full
  • Materialistic fleshy, carnal, worldly

Raymond L. Cox

Will you be satisfied with the fruit of your life’s work? Will the efforts you are making now bring you satisfaction when the things of time are receding and eternity looms just ahead?


Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations.

He had no:

  • Love agape, understanding, filial
  • Rest stabilization, roots, calm
  • Peace tranquility, detachment
  • Hope aspiration, goal, objective
  • Joy happiness, contentment
  • Security faith, confidence, courage

Jay Kesler

Things are to be used and God is to be loved. We get into trouble when we begin to use God and love things.


19:25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Theodore Roosevelt

In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Can’t be saved:

  • No desire
  • Refuse His calling
  • Hold on to sinning
  • Only confess part
  • Reject atonement
  • Impenitent
  • Unbelieving
  • Trust good works
  • Unforgiving
  • Selfish motives
  • Neglectful

Robert C. Cunningham
It is not culture but conversion that we need first. Not education, but transformation. Not new knowledge, but a new nature. We must become new creations by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit before we are ready to live Christ’s life and bear His image.


20:5 so they went."He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing.

Charles G. Finney
If God commands something that is the highest evidence that we can do it.


  • Went at once
  • Worked with a will
  • Never left service
  • Received full reward

V. Raymond Edman
We are prone to argue with the Lord against an assignment that seems to us difficult, dangerous, and impossible. But our part is to trust Him fully, to obey Him implicitly, and to follow His instructions faithfully.


Aristotle Wicked men obey from fear, good men, from love.

Our duty:

  • Let us expect
  • Let us pray
  • Let us inquire

Henri Amiel
Never to tire, never to grow cold; to be patient, sympathetic, tender; to look for the budding flower and the opening heart; to hope always, like God, to love always: this is duty.


19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Danita Harris
God’s stubborn love embraces the worst in us. He’s not letting go of you, so don’t let go of Him.

With God:

  • All things are possible
  • Best of all favors
  • No respecter of persons
  • No unrighteousness
  • Man’s wisdom is foolishness
  • Abide in Him for safety
  • We will suffer wrongfully

Henri Nouwen
Dependence on people often leads to slavery, but dependence on God leads to freedom. When we know that God holds us safely, whatever happens, we don’t have to fear anything or anyone but can walk through life with great confidence.


21:2 saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me.”

John Mason
True humility makes way for Christ, and throws the soul at His feet.

His Humility:

  • In the manger at His birth
  • In the homelessness of His life
  • In the dependence of others
  • In the service of His disciples
  • In the borrowing of the donkey
  • In the asking for a drink
  • In the burial in another’s grave

C.S. Lewis
A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word “darkness,“ on the walls of his cell.


22:8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.

E. Ray Jones
To falter before the forces of life when the power of God is available is unfortunate and above all unnecessary.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


  • Not loyal to the King
  • Not loyal to the Son
  • Not pleased with the marriage
  • Live in self-interests
  • Were cruel to the messengers
  • Were punished
  • Punishment not joy

Cecilius Statius

He who does not believe that God is above all is either a fool or has no experience of life.


22:42 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?”

H.G. Wells

Is it any wonder that to this day this Galilean is too much for our small hearts?

He is the:

  • Teacher educator, master, mentor
  • Worker active, occupied, energetic
  • Sufferer victim, martyr, persecuted
  • Savior lifesaver, rescuer, liberator
  • Master patriarch, owner, landlord
  • Friend intimate, confidant, comrade
  • Judge administrator, advocate

Napoleon Bonaparte

I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between him and every other person in the world, there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force... Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour, millions of men would die for him.


23:1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.”

Hank Hanegraaff

False teachers invite people to come to the Master’s table because of what’s on it, not because they love the Master.

False Teachers:

  • Demand respect
  • Teach but don’t practice
  • Demand service but don’t give
  • Seek praise of men
  • Parade their religion
  • Reject truth
  • Seek head table
  • Seek personal attention
  • Glory in titles
  • Rob men of truth
  • Exhibit long prayers
  • Win others to themselves
  • Pretend to be righteous
  • Live in moral filth

Jonathan Edwards

Spiritual pride is the main door by which the devil comes into the hearts of those who are zealous for the advancement of truth. It is the chief inlet of smoke from the bottomless pit to darken the mind and mislead the judgment.


23:8 “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and you are all brothers.”

No man can follow Christ and go astray.

You call Me:

  • Master but do not obey
  • Light but do not see
  • Way but do not walk
  • Wise but do not listen
  • Rich but do not ask Me
  • Eternal but do not live
  • Gracious but do not trust
  • Noble but do not serve
  • God but do not fear Me

If I call you condemned, Do not blame Me!

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Thomas Carlyle

If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify him. They would ask him to dinner, and hear what he has to say, and make fun of it.


A man gets the seal of condemnation When he sees the light, And prefers darkness

7 Woes:

  • Preoccupation
  • No spirituality
  • Unconfessed sin
  • Hypocrisy
  • Impenitence
  • Perverseness
  • Delusiveness

Rolf L. Veenstra

Though you’re old you was actually crucified with Christ, it is possible for the dead ego to climb out of the casket and mess up the new you, which is what Paul calls being “carnal or fleshy.”


23:25 Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.

God hates those who praise themselves.


  • Nicodemus Inward life
  • Samarian Inward supply
  • Saul of Tarsus Inward light
  • Demoniac Inward liberty
  • Palsied Man Inward blessing
  • Simon Inward love
  • Pharisees Inward cleansing

Tyron Edwards

The first step to improvement, whether mental, moral, or religious, is to know ourselves, our weaknesses, errors, deficiencies, and sins, that, by divine grace, we may overcome and turn from them all.


24:3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives; the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

To sensible men, Every day is a day of reckoning.


  • Deceptions
  • False christs
  • Wars
  • Famines
  • Pestilence
  • Earthquakes
  • Anti-Semitism
  • Betrayals
  • Hatred
  • False prophets
  • Lawlessness
  • Decreased love
  • More missions
  • New Jewish nations
  • New Jewish temple
  • Martyrdom
  • Satanic powers
  • Sex crimes
  • Procrastination
  • Legarthy

Oswald Chambers

It is easy to see the specks and the wrong in others, because we see in others that of which we are guilty ourselves.


24:13 “But he who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Rapture of the Church:

  • Anti-Christ Revealed
  • Great Tribulation
  • Armageddon
  • Return of Christ
  • Binding of Satan
  • Millennial Kingdom
  • Satan’s Rebellion
  • Last Judgment
  • New Heaven and Earth

Carl Henry

The final chapter of human history is solely God’s decision, and even new He is everywhere active in grace or judgment. Never in all history have men spoken so much of end-time, yet been so shrouded in ignorance of God’s impending doomsday.


24:31 “And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.”

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


Election according to foreknowledge of God.

Natural depravity and sinfulness of man.

Redemption by the Blood of Christ.

Effectual calling by the power of the H.S.

Ultimate perseverance by God’s might.

W.G. Shedd

The only sure sign that any man is one of the elect is his perseverance in the Christian life; for he is elected to holiness as well as happiness. Perseverance, like faith, is the gift of God.

Tyron Edwards

Doctrine is the necessary foundation of duty; if the theory is not correct, the practice cannot be right. Tell me what a man believes, and I will tell you what he will do.


24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

Mark Twain

It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.

Words of Christ:

  • Lasting ageless, imperishable
  • Arresting conquering, capturing
  • Gracious benevolent, courteous
  • Living inhabiting, sheltered, home
  • Inspiring compelling, irresistible
  • Father’s almighty, everlasting, logos
  • Repeated echoed, reechoed, etc.

Billy Sunday

I am a Christian because God says so, and I did what he told me to do, and I stand on God’s Word, and if the Book goes down, I’ll go with it.


24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Read it to be wise.

Believe it to be safe.

Practice it to be holy.

His words:

  • God-given in their origin
  • Life-giving in their nature
  • Faith-producing in their influence
  • Prayer-inspiring in their working
  • Peace-assuring in their benediction
  • Soul-sustaining in their intercession
  • Wonder-begetting in their ministry

J. Carter Swaim

The real influence of the Bible cannot be measured; it is reckoned only in terms of hearts that have been lifted up, decisions that have been changed, the men and women who, in response to its impervious demands, have done justice and loved kindness and walked humbly with God.


25:10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place every day.

Went In:

  • Immediate hastily, quickly, promptly
  • Intimate favorite, inseparable, near
  • Joyous elated, blissful, euphoric
  • Personal honor, duty, belief, reasons
  • Eternal unending, undying, no end
  • Actual certain, positive, accepting


Taking the first footstep with a good thought, the second with a good word, and the third with a good deed, I entered Paradise.


To be alone, completely alone, is hell.

Door Shut:

  • Universal worldwide, all-inclusive
  • Complete climax, total, fulfilled
  • Just objective, impartial, fair
  • Final consummation, conclusive

Oswald Chambers Jesus Christ did not come to pronounce judgment; He Himself is the judgment; whenever we come across Him, we are judged instantly.


25:14 Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, which call his servants and entrusted his property to them.

A Christian is the keyhole Through which other folk see God.

Believer is called:

  • Children for kinship
  • Saints for holiness
  • Christians for identification
  • Brethren for fellowship
  • Sheep for character
  • Servants for employment
  • Friends for companionship
A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Ignatius Loyola

Teach us, Lord, to serve you are you deserve, to give and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing that we do your will.


25:21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.

A servant is known

By his Master’s absence.

Good Servant:

  • Soul winner
  • Humble servant
  • Faithful steward
  • Benevolent

Oswald Chambers

If you are devoted to the cause of humanity, you will soon be exhausted and have your heart broken by ingratitude, but if the mainspring of your service is love for Jesus, you can serve men, although they treat you as a door-mat.


C.S. Lewis

God can’t give us happiness and peace apart from Himself because there is no such thing.


  • Not in unbelief
  • Not in pleasure
  • Not in money
  • Not in fame
  • Not in position
  • Not in military glory
  • Not in earthly works

In Christ alone!


No one praises happiness as one praises justice, but we call it a blessing, deeming it something higher and more divine than things we praise.


26:18 He replied, “Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, ‘The Teacher says: My appointed time is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.’”

This world is the land of the dying;

The next is the land of the living.

Things that are near:

  • Conscious sufferer
  • Approaching deliverer
  • City’s vicinity
  • Saving gospel
  • Securing price
  • Living presence
  • Portentous time

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. God forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart.


26:33 “Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”

If God were not willing to forgive sin,

Heaven would be empty.

You will see:

  • Signs appear
  • Blessed Servant
  • Judgment of the nations
  • Christ’s appearing
  • Believers vindicated
  • Suffers rewarded
  • Worthy receive crowns of glory
  • Saints will be glorified
  • Faithful will abide in Christ

Sir James Barrie

The gates of heaven are so easily found when we are little, and they are always standing open to let children wander in.


26:37 He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled.

Blessed to us is the night,

For it reveals the stars.

Agony at Gethsemane:

Sorrow                   grieving, wretchedness

Trouble                  destitute, weakling, victim

Pain            raw, writhing, tormented

Agony                    extreme, unbearable, torn

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

George Gordon

Grief should be the instructor of the wise; sorrow is knowledge; they who know the most must mourn the deepest over the fatal truth.


26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “MY Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

The best prayers have often more

Groans than words.

And He prayed:

  • Lonely prayer
  • Humble prayer
  • Filial prayer
  • Persevering prayer
  • Prayer of resignation

C.H. Spurgeon

God the Holy Ghost writes our prayers, God the Son presents our prayers and God the Father accepts our prayers. And with the whole Trinity to help us in it, what cannot prayer perform?


“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.


Despise the flesh, for it passes away. See to the welfare of your soul, for it never dies.

The Flesh:

  • Watch your self
  • Watch your eyes
  • Watch your nose
  • Watch your mouth
  • Watch your tongue
  • Watch your hands
  • Watch your feet
  • Watch your emotions

Rolf L. Veenstra

Though you’re old you was actually crucified with Christ, it is possible for the dead ego to climb out of the casket and mess up the new you.


26:45 Then he returned to still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour is near, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

Don Quixote

Behind the cross there’s the devil.

The hour is near:

  • An hour of woe
  • A means to an end
  • A reciprocal action
  • A cheering Lord
  • A returning Savior
  • A near redemption
  • An approaching day

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love; time is eternity.


26:75 Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken, “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times...” And he went outside and wept bitterly.

Every heart has its own ache.

A weeping:

  • Backslider lapse, recidivism, relapses
  • Mother modern, career, working
  • Sinner offender, culprit, criminal
  • Savior way, life, and truth
  • Mourner lamenting, depressed, sad
  • Sympathizer sensitive, emotional, aware
  • Apostle reformer, evangelist, vicar

C.H. Spurgeon

Peter not only denied his Master, but as if he knew that true Christian would not swear, he did it. He cursed and swore to convinced them that he was not a disciple of Jesus Christ.


27:18 For he knew it was out of envy that they had handed Jesus over to him.

Covetousness is simply craving more of what you have enough of already.

A cross is shown on the front of a shield.


· His reputation

· His power

· His authority over men

· His gracious words

· His deeds of mercy

· His mastery of Scripture

· His separateness

· His elevation of life

· His holiness

William Barclay

Envy does not so much want the things for itself; it merely wants to take them away from the other person. The Stoics defined it as grief at someone else’s good. It is the quality, not so much of the jealous, but rather of the embittered mind.


27:25 All the people answered, “Let his blood be on us and on our children!

C.H. Spurgeon

There may be some sins of which a man cannot speak, but there is no sin which the blood of Christ cannot wash away.

With His Blood:

  • Oppression violence, exploitation, wrong
  • Safety impunity, invulnerable
  • Welfare well-being, favor, advantage
  • Peace rest, harmony, freedom
  • Happiness satisfaction, enjoyment, fun

Oswald Chambers

When Jesus Christ shed His blood on the Cross if was not the blood of a martyr, or the blood of one man for another, it was the life of God poured out to redeem the world.


Were it not for gold and women, there would be no damnation.

Without His Blood:

  • Spiritual unrest
  • Accusing conscience
  • Physical diseases
  • Personal misfortune
  • Destruction of life
  • Eternal death

Oswald Chambers

Jesus Christ never says that a man is damned because he is a sinner; the condemnation is when a man sees what Jesus Christ came to do and will not let Him do it. That is the critical moment, the judgment, in a man’s life.


Man is a god in ruins.

Hands of men:

  • Reproached
  • Despised
  • Laughed at
  • Railed
  • Falsely accused
  • Derided
  • Questioned
  • Grumbled at
  • Hunted by
  • Hated
  • Betrayed
  • Played with
  • Mocked
  • Crucified

Book of Common Prayer

By Thine agony and bloody sweat; by Thy cross and passion; by Thy precious death and burial; by Thy glorious resurrection and ascension; and by the coming of the Holy Ghost, good Lord, deliver us.


27:28 They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him.

That the potter should die for His clay is a stupendous miracle.

He is stripped:

  • By mocking Christians
  • By condemning doctrine
  • By beliefs not obeyed
  • By false professions of faith
  • By resolves not fulfilled

W.E. Orchard

They gave him a manger for a cradle, a carpenter’s bench for a pulpit, thorns for a crown, and a cross for a throne. He took them and made them the very glory of his career.


27:29 Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.

Great souls suffer in silence.

His suffering:

  • Marred defaced, disfigured, flawed
  • Lacerated bruised, punctured, torn
  • Scarred disfigured, defaced, flawed
  • Pierced punctured, lanced, stabbed
  • Nailed joined, fastened, attached
  • Torn wounded, cut, grazed
  • Exposed face death, risk, cornered

Martin Luther

Our suffering is not worthy the name of suffering. When I consider my crosses, tribulations, and temptations. I shame myself almost to death, thinking what they are in comparison of the sufferings of my blessed Savior Christ Jesus.


27:30 They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again.

Only the willingness to suffer can conquer suffering.

14 things done to Him:

  • Spat in His face
  • Buffeted His cheeks
  • Bound His hands
  • Scourged His back
  • Stripped His body
  • Lacerated His head
  • Plucked off His hair
  • Took away His garments
  • Mocked His person
  • Condemned Him unjustly
  • Liberated His Mission
  • Taunted His works
  • Spiked His feet
  • Speared His side

Of all the things that ever existed, sin is the most shameful. It deserves to be spit on. It deserves to be crucified. And because our Lord had taken on himself our sin, he must be put to shame. If you want to see what God thinks of sin, see his only Son spat on by the soldiers when he was made sin for us. In God’s sight sin is a shameful, horrible, loathsome, abominable thing, and when Jesus takes it he must be forsaken and given up to scorn.


27:43 He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, “I am the Son of God.”

Faith makes all things possible Love makes all things easy.

His Faith:

  • Grounded in the Scriptures
  • Guarded by prayer
  • Graced by love
  • Guided by the Spirit
  • Growth of faith
  • Goal of faith
  • Glory of faith
A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Thomas Brooks

We trust as we love, and where we love. If we love Christ much, surely we shall trust Him much.


27:46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

The fear of death is worse than death.


  • A forsaken God
  • A forsaken Savior
  • A forsaken Law
  • A forsaken Man
  • A forsaken Heart
  • A forsaken Servant
  • A forsaken Sinfulness

C.H. Spurgeon

Jesus was deserted by God. And if he, who was only imputable a sinner, was deserted, how much more shall you be? Oh, sinner, if God, how much less will He spare you?


27:51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split.

Salvation is the work of God for man; it is not the work of man for God.

Holy of Holies opened:

  • Put away old ordinances
  • Revealed new hidden abolished
  • Ceremony of atonement abolished
  • Gates of paradise opened
  • Access to God permitted

C.H. Spurgeon

What a Magna Charta is this! The old covenant says, “Keep the law and live.” The new covenant is, “You shall live, and I will lead you to keep my law, for I will write it on your heart.”


27:55 And many women were there looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to Him.

The duty of the church is to comfort the disturbed and to disturb the comfortable.

From a distance:

  • A demon-possessed man
  • The women at the cross
  • Peter
  • The lepers
  • The publican
  • The gentile sinners
  • Old Testament saints


Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns.


28:1 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

When death stung Jesus Christ, it stung itself to death.

Mary went:

  • Very early
  • Very bold
  • Faithfully
  • Earnestly
  • Weeping
  • Savior only!

Herbert Booth Smith

The biggest fact about Joseph’s tomb was that it wasn’t a tomb at all; it was a room for a transient. Jesus just stopped there a night or two on his way back to glory.


28:6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said, Come and see the place where he lay.

The mightiest works of God are the fruit of silence.

Let us meditate:

  • His great humility
  • His spotless character
  • His many sufferings
  • His mighty power
  • His glorious victory
A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Blaise Pascal

What reason have atheists for saying that we cannot rise again? Which is the more difficult, to be born again, or to rise again? That what has never been should be, or that what has been, should be again? Is it more difficult to come into being than to return to it?


John R. Stott

Christianity is in its very essence a resurrection religion. The concept of the resurrection lies at its heart. If you remove it, Christianity is destroyed.

Christ Rose:

  • Sin’s climax
  • Love’s giving
  • Work accomplished


The resurrection cannot be tamed or tethered by any utilitarian test. It is a vast watershed in history, or it is nothing. It cannot be tested for truth; it is the test of lesser truths. No light can be thrown on it; its own light blinds the investigator. It does not compel belief; it resists it. But once accepted as fact, it tells more about the universe, about history, and about man’s state and fate than all the mountains of other facts in the human accumulation.


The mightiest works of God are the fruit of silence.

Our meditation:

  • Security: immunity, protection, safe
  • Power: enlightenment, sanctity
  • Love: truth, mercy, wisdom
  • Sympathy: understanding, empathy
  • Affinity: passionate, inseparable
  • Joy: celebration, happiness
  • Hope: faith, confidence, trust

Andrew Bonar

Rule #1: Not to speak to any person before speaking to Jesus Christ.

Rule #2: Not to do anything with his hands until he had been on his knees.

Rule #3: Not to read the papers until he had read his Bible.


Billy Graham

Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle’s light.

Angel’s Message:

  • Fear not: love
  • I know: appreciation
  • He is not here: reminder
  • He is risen: joy

Oswald Chambers

Angels can come and go through rocks and doors, can appear and disappear in a way we cannot understand. Their consciousness is above ours, different from it. When anyone tries to explain to you how an angel sees and knows things, say to yourself, ‘private speculation.’


Peter Marshall

The resurrection never becomes a fact of experience until the risen Lord lives in the heart of the believer.

His Resurrection:

  • Proclamation
  • Power
  • Presence


The resurrection cannot be tamed or tethered by any utilitarian test. It is a vast watershed in history, or it is nothing. It cannot be tested for truth; it is the test of lesser truths. No light can be thrown on it; its own light blinds the investigator. It does not compel belief; it resists it. But once accepted as fact, it tells more about the universe, about history, and about man’s state and fate than all the mountains of other facts in the human accumulation.


28:9Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him.

Martin Luther

Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf of springtime.

They were:

  • All alive with hopeful energy
  • All aglow with excitement
  • All full of ardent love
  • All amazed at His glory
  • All afraid that it would end

Sir Thomas Browne

I believe that our estranged and divided ashes shall unite again; that our separated dust, after so many pilgrimages and transformations into the parts of the minerals, plants, animals, elements, shall, at the voice of God, return to their primitive shapes, and join again to make up their primary and predestinate forms.


True obedience is true liberty.

They went to Him:

  • Obedience: rewarded
  • Testimony: sealed
  • Faith: blessed
  • Diligence: encouraged
  • Service: recognized
  • Fellowship: illustrated
  • Spirit: guided
A cross is shown on the front of a shield.

Phillips Brooks

Obedience must be the struggle and desire of our life. Obedience, not hard and forced, but ready, loving and spontaneous: the doing of duty, not merely that the duty may be done, but that the soul in doing it may become capable of receiving and uttering God.


28:18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth,”

Our Lord never taught dogma, He declared.


  • Authority to heal
  • Authority over demons
  • Authority to preach
  • Authority to become His

Oswald Chambers

Our Lord never taught dogma, He declared. There is no argument or discussion in what He says; it is not a question of the insight of a marvelous man, but a question of speaking with authority.


28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

God Almighty regenerates men’s souls; We make disciples.


  • Self-denial
  • Cross bearing
  • Renunciation
  • Leaving all
  • Steadfastness
  • Fruitfulness

Oswald Chambers

The disciple who abides in Jesus is the will of God, and his apparently free choices are God’s foreordained decrees. Mysterious? Logically contradictory and absurd? Yes, but a glorious truth to a saint.



God is more anxious to bestow his blessings on us than we are to receive them.


  • Spiritual knowledge
  • Spiritual light
  • Guidance by His Name
  • Heavenly honor
  • A Divine example

Dr. Jonas Miller

The reason we don’t have more blessings from God is because we are not thankful enough for the blessings we have.


We teach what we know; We reproduce what we are.

10 Tests of Discipleship:

  1. World persecution
  2. Fearless preaching
  3. Fearless consecration
  4. Bold confession of Christ
  5. Family persecution
  6. Putting God first
  7. Fearless faith
  8. Bearing cross daily
  9. Following Christ
  10. Denying self


We may be doing Jesus an injustice in stressing the fact that He so frequently said “Go!” His first word to His disciples was not “Go” but “Come.”



  • Go and teach all nations
  • Go and preach the Gospel
  • Go to the lost sheep
  • Go into the vineyard
  • Go into the highways
  • Go into the streets and lanes
  • Go home to your friends
  • Go and do likewise


Charles Colson

It is not what we do that matters, but what is sovereign God chooses to do through us. God doesn’t want our success; he wants us. He doesn’t demand our achievements; he demands our obedience. The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of paradox, where through the ugly defeat of a cross a holy God is utterly glorified. Victory comes through defeat; healing through brokenness; finding self through losing self.

28:20 “And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.”

Christ is clothed with human nature.

In Your:

  • Affections: tenderness, love, liking
  • Hopes: optimism, expectations
  • Trust: confidence, reliance, belief
  • Joy: happiness, contentment

Joan Arnold

God is the sunshine that warms us, the rain that melts the frost and waters the young plants. The presence of God is a climate of strong and bracing love, always there.


Nothing can happen through you, Which is not happening to you?

Go for:

  • Adjustment: refinement, fine-tuning
  • Activity: work, business, career
  • Alertness: close attention, vigilance
  • Attention: watch, observe, note, heed
  • Fruitfulness: benefit, return, advantage
  • Separation: disconnection, breakup
  • Testimony: certification, validation, oath

William Barclay

It is when men see that we are prepared to suffer something for the faith which we say we hold that they will begin to believe that we really do hold it. If a thing costs us nothing, men will value it at nothing.
